Rodericus Zamorensis: Speculum vitae humanae.

Paris:  Petrus Caesaris and Johannes Stol, [1473]
Fol.   [1-1110 12-138].   [126] leaves, 117, 118, 125, and 126 blank.
ISTC ir00221000; GW M38486; Goff R221; BMC VIII 10 (IB. 39202); Bod-inc R-087; CIBN R-143.

GIP number: R9
Shelf-mark: Sp Coll Hunterian Bg.3.7 (see main library entry for this item)
Note: In this copy quire 13 is bound at the beginning.
Note: Printer's pin-holes visible.
Provenance: Paris, Celestines, S. Maria (suppressed 1779):  15th/16th-century inscription on 12/7r (f. 117r) “Iste liber signat[us] per 408 est celestinor[um] beate marie de parisius”.
William Hunter (1718-1783), physician and anatomist:  source unknown.
University of Glasgow:  Hunterian bequest 1807;  Hunterian Museum bookplate and book label on front pastedown, with former shelfmark “X.3.2”.
Binding: France(?), 17th/18th-century parchment;  green silk bookmark.   Size:  298 x 220 mm.
Leaf size: 289 x 211 mm.
Annotations: Very occasional marginal annotations and corrections in an early hand;  occasional “nota” marks and underlining;  traces of early manuscript signatures in some quires;  erased ownership(?) inscription on 13/1r (f. 119r);  early 18th-century note in Latin on 12/7r (f. 117r) dating the book to ca. 1475 on the evidence of the Paris bookseller, Jean de la Caille, and the Sorbonne librarian and historian of printing, André Chevillier, below which is a later 18th-century note in French referring to the printers’ colophon on 13/6v (f. 124v).
Decoration: Initial “S” on 1/1r, initial “S” on 1/4r, initial “M” on 7/2r (f. 62r) supplied in red and blue with reserved white;  other initials and paragraph marks supplied in alternate red or blue throughout;  running book numbers in upper margin supplied in red or blue and also in red and blue.
Imperfections: Wanting the blank 12/8 (f. 118).


Ownership evidence and bibliographical notes in Rodericus Zamorensis: Speculum vitae humanae