Plautus, Titus Maccius: Comoediae.

Edited by Georgius Merula.

Venice: Vindelinus de Spira, for Johannes de Colonia, 1472.
Fol. [14 2-1710 1812 1910 208 21-2210 (22/10+1) 23-2510].  [245] leaves, 4, 244, 245 blank. 
Note:  Although the BMC collation calls for a first quire of four leaves with the first blank, the distribution of watermarks shows that it is the fourth leaf of that quire which is blank.
ISTC ip00779000; GW M34001; Goff P779; BMC V 160 (IB. 19558); Bod-inc P-351; CIBN P-451.

GIP number: P68
Shelf-mark: Sp Coll Hunterian Bf.2.13 (see main library entry for this item)
Variant: 1/1r, line 2: “ ... plurimā ... ” not as BMC “ ... plurima ... ”
Note: Printer's pin-holes visible.
Provenance: Karl Heinrich, Graf von Hoym (1694-1736), ambassador in Paris of Augustus II, Elector of Saxony and King of Poland: arms in gilt on both covers; spine compartments decorated in gilt with Hoym’s insignia of white eagle of Poland; lot 1727 in 'Catalogus librorum bibliothecae illustrissimi viri Caroli Henrici comitis de Hoym ...' (Paris: 1738); sold for 90 livres according to the priced copy of the sale catalogue in University of Glasgow Library (shelfmark Sp Coll 945).
Louis Jean Gaignat (1697-1768), Secretary to King Louis XV: Gaignat sale, 1769; lot 1573 in Guillaume de Bure, 'Bibliographie instructive: supplément ... ou catalogue des livres de feu M. L.J. Gaignat', 2 vols (Paris: 1769). NB according to the Bibliothèque Méjanes annotated copy (Res. O. 189) of the Gaignat sale catalogue, Gaignat bought the book for 160 livres.
William Hunter (1718-1783), physician and anatomist: purchased by Hunter at the Gaignat sale through his agent, Jean-Baptiste Dessain, for 396 livres 1 sou; see 'Dessain-Hunter correspondence' (University of Glasgow Library, MS Gen. 36, f. 24r).
University of Glasgow: Hunterian bequest, 1807; Hunterian Museum bookplate on front pastedown, with former shelfmark “Au.1.10”.
Binding: France, 18th-century dark blue goatskin with light brown doublures tooled in gold to a dentelle pattern; gilt coat of arms of Karl Heinrich, Graf von Hoym on both covers and Hoym’s insignia on spine (see Provenance); gilt-edged leaves underlaid with marbling; free endpapers marbled; pink silk bookmark; binder’s ticket on 1/2r “Relié par Padeloup le jeune place Sorbonne a Paris”. Size: 322 x 235 mm.
Leaf size: 313 x 220 mm.
Annotations: Occasional slight traces of early manuscript signatures at extreme lower corner of some recto leaves in the first few quires; pencil number “235” on verso of front free fly leaf.
Decoration: Five-line initial ‘I’ on 2/1r (f. 5r) supplied in gold on a crimson and blue square ground with geometric decoration;  principal initials supplied throughout in red and blue with reserved white, smaller initials in red or blue;  paragraph marks in red or blue throughout;  text enclosed within red ink rules.
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaves 1/4 and 25/10.

Illuminated initial from Plautus: Comoediae