Petrarca, Francesco: Trionfi; Canzoniere.
Trionfi; commentary by Bernardo Lapini da Siena. Canzoniere; commentary by Franciscus Philelphus.
Venice: Reynaldus de Novimagio and Theodorus de Reynsburch, 1478.
Fol. Part I: a10 b8 c6 d-e8 f10 g8 h-i6 I8 k8 l-o6.8 p-s6 t10 aa8 bb-ff6 gg10. [196] leaves, the first blank. Part II: a8 b6 c8 d-f6 g8 h-o6. [90] leaves.
ISTC ip00381000; GW M31641; Goff P381; BMC V 254 (IB. 20636; IB. 20637); Bod-inc P-156; CIBN P-184; BSB-Ink P-280.
In two parts dated: (I) Trionfi: 6 Feb. 1478; (II) Canzionere: 30 Mar. 1478.
GIP number: | P23 |
Shelf-mark: | Sp Coll Hunterian Be.3.7, 8 (see main library entry for this item) |
Variants: | Part I: a2r, lines 1-3: the caption title corresponds to the setting of BMC copy IB. 20636, not the variant setting described in BMC copy IB. 20641; Part I: k1r and k2r (as in BMC copy IB. 20636) begin with Petrarch’s text and thus agree with the register on gg10r. |
Provenance: | P. D. (16th century): partially damaged painted coat of arms in the lower margin of a2r: a shield per pale, dexter a pily bendy sinister or and gules, sinister per fess, in chief sable [damaged] in base gules; the shield flanked at each side by a green ribbon which is looped around the initials “P” and “D”. Louis Jean Gaignat (1697-1768), Secretary to King Louis XV: Gaignat sale, 1769; lots 1982 and 1983 in Guillaume de Bure, 'Bibliographie instructive: supplément ... ou catalogue des livres de feu M. L.J. Gaignat', 2 vols (Paris: 1769). NB according to the Bibliothèque Méjanes annotated copy (Res. O. 189) of the Gaignat sale catalogue, Gaignat bought the book for 80 livres. William Hunter (1718-1783), physician and anatomist: purchased by Hunter at the Gaignat sale through his agent, Jean-Baptiste Dessain, for 108 livres 8 sous; see 'Dessain-Hunter correspondence' (University of Glasgow Library, MS Gen. 36, f.25v). University of Glasgow: Hunterian bequest, 1807; Hunterian Museum bookplates on front pastedowns, with former shelfmarks “A.7.21” and “A.7.25”. |
Binding: | France, 18th-century red goatskin decorated with triple gold fillets, a small gold fleuron at each corner; gold-tooled spines; marbled endpapers; gilt-edged leaves; turquoise silk bookmarks; flyleaves of both volumes have watermark “L BEAURE LIMOSIN” and bunch of grapes watermark. Size: 274 x 200 mm. |
Leaf size: | 268 x 192 mm. |
Annotations: | Part I: occasional marginal annotations in humanist hands, mainly in Latin but a few in Italian; occasional “nota” marks and manicules. Part II: occasional early “nota” marks, underlining and manicules; occasional marginal annotations in Italian in a 17th-century hand; foliated from a2-o2 “I”-“LXXXIV” (“LXXIII” repeated). |
Decoration: | Part I: on a2r an eight-line initial “P” is supplied in gold on a square ground of white-vine decoration defined in crimson, blue and green, which extends into the inner margin; on a4v is a similarly decorated six-line initial “N”; a few smaller initials supplied in red or blue; paragraph marks throughout supplied in alternate red and blue. Part II: on a2r an eight-line initial “V” is supplied in gold on a square ground of white-vine decoration defined in crimson, blue and green, which extends into the inner and upper margins; on the same page the lower margin is decorated with a border of white-vine decoration in the centre of which is a partially defaced or worn coat of arms (see Provenance); on a1v a nine-line initial “F” is supplied in gold on a square ground of white-vine decoration (the latter heavily water-damaged); a few smaller initials supplied in red; paragraph marks throughout supplied in alternate red and blue. |
Imperfections: | None. |