Petrarca, Francesco: Canzoniere e Trionfi.  

Add:  Antonio da Tempo:  Vita di Petrarca.

Venice:  [Gabriele di Pietro, not before 13 Aug.] 1473.
Fol.   [18 2-1910].   [188] leaves, 8 and 188 blank.
ISTC ip00375000; GW M31658; Goff P375; BMC V 199 (IB. 19906); Bod-inc P-153; CIBN P-179.

The Vita di Petrarca, generally attributed to Antonio da Tempo, is probably the work of Petrus Candidus Decembrius - cf. Bod-inc.

GIP number: P17
Shelf-mark: Sp Coll Hunterian Bg.2.25 (see main library entry for this item)
Variant: 2/5v (f. 13v), lines 10-11: ‘... & non ...||... o dore tarde.’ not ‘... & nō ...||... o dhore tarde.’ as given for one of the three copies described at CIBN P-179.
Provenance: Strozzi family, of Florence:  painted coat of arms on 2/1r (f. 9r) - or, on a fess gules three increscents argent (identified by Dr Martin Davies).
Felice del Beccuto (16th century):  washed-out inscription within a scroll in lower margin of 1/1r “FELICE DEL BECVTO [...]”, and a similar inscription in upper margin;  inscriptions within two scrolls on 11/7v (f. 105v) “FELIX BECCVTVS” and “VV MARIOTTO ALBERIGHI E CAMILLA”;  cropped inscription within a scroll on 11/8r (f. 106r) “VV FELICE DEL B[...]”;  heavily washed-out inscription on 6/10r (f. 58r) beginning “feljce [...]”.
Mariotto Alberighi (16th century) - see above.
Louis Jean Gaignat (1697-1768), Secretary to King Louis XV:  Gaignat sale, 1769;  lot 1980 (ascribed there and on the spine to the press of N. Jenson) in Guillaume de Bure, 'Bibliographie instructive:  supplément ... ou catalogue des livres de feu M. L.J. Gaignat', 2 vols (Paris:  1769). NB according to the Bibliothèque Méjanes annotated copy (Res. O. 189) of the Gaignat sale catalogue, Gaignat bought the book for 256 livres.
William Hunter (1718-1783), physician and anatomist:  purchased by Hunter at the Gaignat sale through his agent, Jean-Baptiste Dessain, for 250 livres 19 sous;  see 'Dessain-Hunter correspondence' (University of Glasgow Library, MS Gen. 36, f. 25r).
University of Glasgow:  Hunterian bequest, 1807;  Hunterian Museum bookplate on front pastedown, with former shelfmark “A.7.16”.
Binding: France, 18th-century red goatskin decorated with triple gold fillets, a small gold fleuron at each corner;  gold-tooled spine;  marbled endpapers;  gilt-edged leaves;  turquoise silk bookmark;  front flyleaf has a fleur-de-lys watermark above the date 1742;  parchment manuscript guard-strips used in the middle of several quires.   Size:  267 x 180 mm.
Leaf size: 258 x 172 mm.
Annotations: Annotations in Italian in a 16th-century hand on 8/1r, 8/6v, 9/1r, 9/8r, and 11/7r (ff. 69r, 74v, 79r, 86r, and 105r) - the last four annotations include the name ‘Camilla’;  manicules on 5/10v and 7/8v (ff. 48v and 66v);  sonnet ‘L’avara Babilonia à colmo il sacco’ on 8/1r (f. 69r) and sonnet ‘Fontana di dolore, albergo d’ira’ on 8/1v (f. 69v) are both lightly scored through.
Decoration: Four-line initial “V” on 2/1r (f. 9r) supplied in gold, with white vine decoration defined in blue, crimson and green along the inner, upper and lower margins, and, incorporated in the decoration of the lower margin within a green laurel wreath, are the arms of the Strozzi family (see Provenance);  other initials throughout supplied in blue (occasionally with faces added in brown ink e.g. on 9/8v (f. 86v).
Imperfections: Wanting the final blank leaf.

Illuminated decoration with unidentified coat of arms in Petrarca, Francesco: Canzoniere e Trionfi