Euclides: Elementa geometriae. 

Translated by Adelardus Bathoniensis;  revised by Campanus Novariensis.

Venice:  Erhard Ratdolt, 25 May 1482.
Fol. a10 b-r8.  [138] leaves (r8 blank).
Woodcuts; woodcut initials; woodcut border on a2r.
ISTC ie00113000;  GW 9428;  Goff E113;  BMC V 285 (IB. 20513);  Bod-inc E-036;  CIBN E-88;  BSB-Ink E-106.

Two copies held by the University of Glasgow

Copy 1

GIP number: E5/1
Shelf-mark: Sp Coll Hunterian By.2.12 (see main library entry for this item )
Variant: Settings of a1v, lines 1-2, and of a2r, lines 1-2 (printed in red), follow BMC’s transcription for the copy at IB. 20513, not IB. 20514;  on o8r, line 45 has the corrected setting of the text:  "culi pꝛoſtrati ſed non ſunt adinuicem equales. hoc aūt ſcies ſi ꝑpendiculares a" - see C. F. Bühler, “A typographical error in the editio princeps of Euclid”, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1966), pp. 102-4.  The two University of Glasgow Library copies of this edition exhibit some differences in the marginal woodcut diagrams.  In both copies there is a total of four identical diagrams on d1r and d1v:  in the copy at By.2.12 (E5/1) one woodcut diagram is located on d1r and three on d1v, in the copy at BD9-c.5 (E5/2) the woodcuts are repositioned so that two appear on d1r and two on d1v.  There is a further difference in the marginal woodcuts on e1r: in the copy at By.2.12 (E5/1) there are three woodcut diagrams, whereas in the copy at BD9-c.5 (E5/2) only two are present.
Provenance: Paris, Jesuits:  inscription on a2r “Collegii Paris. Societ. Jesu.”; lot 2044 in Catalogue des livres de la bibliothèque des ci-devant soi-disans Jésuites de Collège de Clermont (Paris:  1764);  sold for 6 livres according to the priced copy of the sale catalogue in University of Glasgow Library.
Louis Jean Gaignat (1697-1768), Secretary to King Louis XV:  Gaignat sale, 1769;  lot 1240 in Guillaume de Bure, Bibliographie instructive:  supplément ... ou catalogue des livres de feu M. L.J. Gaignat, 2 vols (Paris:  1769). NB according to the Bibliothèque Méjanes annotated copy (Res. O. 189) of the Gaignat sale catalogue, Gaignat bought the book for 55 livres.
William Hunter (1718-1783), physician and anatomist:  purchased by Hunter at the Gaignat sale through his agent, Jean-Baptiste Dessain, for 80 livres 1 sou;  see Dessain-Hunter sale correspondence (University of Glasgow Library MS Gen. 36, f. 25v).
University of Glasgow:  Hunterian bequest, 1807;  Hunterian Museum bookplate on front pastedown, with former shelfmark “Ax.1.1”.
Binding: France, 18th-century blue goatskin;  covers decorated with a triple gold-fillet border, a small gold fleuron at each corner;  gold-tooled spine;  marbled endpapers;  gilt-edged leaves;  pink silk bookmark.  Size:  310 x 222 mm.
Leaf size: 303 x 211 mm.
Annotations: A marginal note and interlinear correction on d5r and on f7v;  manuscript additions or corrections to the woodcut marginal diagrams on a6v, b3v and b5r;  an additional marginal diagram in pen-and-ink supplied on c8r;  18th-century shelfmark "f1 Shelf" in pencil on front free endpaper.
Decoration: None.
Imperfections: None.

Opening Page of main text of Euclides: Elementa Geometriae


Copy 2

GIP number: E5/2
Shelf-mark: Sp Coll BD9-c.5 (see main library entry for this item)
Variants: Settings of a1v, lines 1-2, and of a2r, lines 1-2 (printed in red) follow BMC’s transcription for the copy at IB. 20513, not IB. 20514;  on o8r, line 45 has the uncorrected setting of the text:  “culi pꝛoſtrati ſed nō ſunt adinuicē equales. hoc aūt ſcies ſi ꝑpendiculares a coꝛau-” - see C. F. Bühler, “A typographical error in the editio princeps of Euclid”, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1966), pp. 102-4.  The two University of Glasgow Library copies of this edition exhibit some differences in the marginal woodcut diagrams.  In both copies there is a total of four identical diagrams on d1r and d1v: in the copy at BD9-c.5 (E5/2) two woodcut diagrams are located on d1r and two on d1v, in the copy at By.2.12 (E5/1) the woodcuts are repositioned so that one only is present on d1r and three on d1v.  There is a further difference in the marginal woodcuts on e1r: in the copy at BD9-c.5 (E5/2) just two woodcut diagrams are present, whereas in the copy at By.2.12 (E5/1) there is an additional third diagram.
Bound with: The first of three items bound together.  Bound with:  (2) Claudius Ptolemaeus, Geographia.  Nuremberg:  Hans Stuchs, 1514;  (3) Soranus, Ephesius, De re medica.  Basel:  Andreas Cratander, Aug. 1528.
Provenance: David Brehler (fl. 1639), physician, Bamberg:  inscription on a1r (the first two words heavily scored through) “David(?) Brehler(?) Doct. Bamberg 1639”.
Vienna, Bibliotheca Brehleriana:  inscription on a2r “ad Bibliothecam Brehlerianam i7i4” and “in cathalogo N[ume]ro 668 ex antiqua Brehleriana Bibliotheca vienensi”.
Joseph Sams, bookseller, Darlington & London (1784-1860):  sold book to William Euing.
William Euing (1788-1874), insurance broker, Glasgow:  purchased from Sams 2 July 1849 according to Euing’s pencil acquisition note and price code on front pastedown “2.7.49 db/ Sams” together with his early inventory number “No 62”.
University of Glasgow:  presented by Euing in 1872 according to one of two University Library bookplates on front pastedown.
Binding: Germany(?), 16th-century blind-tooled pigskin;  covers decorated with fillets and three different floral rolls to form four concentric rectangles;  two brass clasps with catch plates on front board;  edges of outer and inner corners protected with brass strips;  spine decorated with a Rautengerank tool;  vestiges of ink spine titles;  rear free endpaper has watermark of a crown surmounted by a cross and a star (cf. Briquet 4960).  Size: 318 x 222 mm.
Leaf size: 305 x 212 mm.
Annotations: Partially read inscription in ink on front pastedown with price “2 daler [...]”;  19th-century prices in pencil on front free endpaper “3£. 3s” and “42/-”;  number “43/3” in pencil in a 19th-century hand on a2r.
Decoration: Water-colour decoration in red, yellow, green and brown added to the woodcut initial “P”, the marginal woodcut diagrams, and the lower part of the woodcut border on a2r.
Imperfections: None.

Hand coloured woodcut diagrams in Euclides: Elementa geometriae