Caracciolus, Robertus: Sermones de timore divinorum iudiciorum.
Naples: Arnaldus de Bruxella, 21 July 1473.
Fol. [1-1110]. [110] leaves, the first (1/1) and last (11/10) blank.
ISTC ic00183000; Goff C183; BMC VI 857 (IB. 29355); Bod-inc C-081; GW 6109
Two copies held by the University of Glasgow Library
Copy 1
GIP number: | C20/1 |
Shelf-mark: | Sp Coll Hunterian Be.2.14 (see main library entry for this item) |
Variant: | 1/3r, lines 13-14: “... magna vo||ce ...” not as GW “... magno vo||ce ...”. |
Provenance: | Paulus Lulmius Bergomensis/Paulus de Bergamo (d. 1484), Vicar-General of Augustinian Hermits: washed-out inscription on 1/2r “S Aug[ustin]i pergami ad vsu[m] F[rat]ris Pauli de Perg[am]o [...]”; see also under Annotations. Bergamo, Augustinian Hermits: washed-out inscription on 1/2r in a later hand “Con[ven]tus S[an]cti Aug[usti]ni Bergomi”. Louis Jean Gaignat (1697-1768), Secretary to King Louis XV: Gaignat sale, 1769; lot 347 in Guillaume de Bure, 'Bibliographie instructive: supplément ... ou catalogue des livres de feu M. L.J. Gaignat', 2 vols (Paris: 1769). NB according to the Bibliothèque Méjanes annotated copy (Res. O. 189) of the Gaignat sale catalogue, Gaignat bought the book for 83 livres. William Hunter (1718-1783), physician and anatomist: purchased by Hunter at the Gaignat sale through his agent, Jean-Baptiste Dessain, for 27 livres 1 sou; see 'Dessain-Hunter correspondence' (University of Glasgow Library, MS Gen. 36, f. 25r). University of Glasgow: Hunterian bequest, 1807; Hunterian Museum bookplate on front pastedown, with former shelfmark “T.5.5”. |
Binding: | France, 18th-century citron goatskin decorated with triple gold fillets, a small gold fleuron at each corner; gold-tooled spine; marbled endpapers; gilt-edged leaves. Size: 324 x 228 mm. |
Leaf size: | 316 x 218 mm. |
Annotations: | “Sermo” numbers given as running headings; single marginal correction on 2/3r (f. 13r); “nota” mark on 10/1r (f. 91r); three rear flyleaves contain three documents (or contemporary copies of documents) associated with Paulus de Bergamo: 1) a prayer by Paulus de Bergamo in honour of the Virgin Mary, dated 1473, with reference to the Augustinian Church of Santa Maria del Populo in Rome (which was reconstructed 1472-1477 on the orders of Pope Sixtus IV); 2) a letter to Pope Sixtus IV headed “Ad S[an]ctissimu[m] Sum[m]umq[ue] Pont[ificem] Sixtu[m] iiij pro fab[ri]ca Ecc[lesiae] D[e] pop[u]lo Rome Ep[isto]la”, dated “Ex ędibus D[o]m[in]ę Marię de populo die festa seraphici fra[n]cisci 1474” and signed “... fr[ater] paulus B[er]gom[en]sis diui Aug[ustin]i eremita ...”; 3) a letter to Niccolò Noceto of Lucca headed “Mag[ist]ro & G[e]n[er]oso D. Nicolao D[e] Noxeto pat[ri]tio Lucano equiti aurato [...]”, dated “k[a]l sept[embris] 1476” and signed “Iesu ch[risti] seruor[um] minimus fr[ater] paulus D[e] perg[am]o Diui Aug[ustin]i eremita [...] Orator tuus”. |
Decoration: | None. |
Imperfections: | Wanting the first blank leaf, 1/1. |
Copy 2
GIP number: | C20/2 |
Shelf-mark: | Sp Coll Hunterian Be.3.1 (see main library entry for this item) |
Variant: | 1/3r, lines 13-14: “... magna vo||ce ...” not as GW “... magno vo||ce ...”. |
Provenance: | Frater Paulus de Benigassio (15th/16th century), of Genoa: inscription on 1/2r “Iste liber est ad vsum mei f[rat]ris pauli de benigassio de Janua ...” Ebenezer Brown (d.1828), M.D., Inspector General of Hospitals: presented to the Hunterian Library in March, 1852 (cf. University of Glasgow Library, 'Museum records', MR37/14, 15) by Miss Marjory Ettles of Stirling from the library of her late brother-in-law, Dr Ebenezer Brown, a matriculated student in the Greek Class at Glasgow University in 1786 (cf. James Coutts, 'A history of the University of Glasgow from its foundation in 1451 to 1909', pp. 404-5; W. Innes Addison, 'The matriculation albums of the University of Glasgow from 1728 to 1858', no. 4573). Marjory Ettles (fl. 1852) of Stirling: see above. University of Glasgow: presented in 1852 (see above); Hunterian Museum bookplate, with former shelfmark “E.2.10” (a later addition to the Hunterian Library with no connection to William Hunter’s original collection). |
Binding: | Italy, 16th-century parchment-covered pasteboards; spine covered with a separate piece of parchment; title “Epistola Roberti” written on spine from head to foot; part of a manuscript shelfmark at foot of spine beginning “M6[...]”; manuscript shelfmark on lower edge of text block “K92” (replacing a scored-through number); front free endpaper has a watermark of three circles arranged vertically and surmounted by a cross-crosslet, the upper circle resembling a reversed crescent moon with penumbra, the middle circle containing the letters “G M”, and the lower circle unfilled (cf. Briquet 3260 and 3267 for similar types); front flyleaf has a watermark of a Latin cross within a shield accompanied by unidentified initials (cf. Briquet 5688 and 5691 for similar types). Size: 280 x 202 mm. |
Leaf size: | 271 x 197 mm. |
Annotations: | Occasional marginal annotations in a 15th/16th-century hand, together with occasional underlining and manicules. |
Decoration: | Initials throughout supplied in red or in red with reserved white; initial “Q” on 6/7v (f. 57v), initial “P” on 6/8r (f. 58r), initial “Q” on 7/10v (f. 70v), and initial “Q” on 8/2r (f. 72r) filled in with human faces in black pen-and-ink; paragraph marks supplied in red throughout. |
Imperfections: | Wanting the first and final blank leaves, 1/1 and 11/10. |