Bonifacius VIII, Pont. Max. (formerly Benedetto Gaetano): Liber sextus Decretalium.  With gloss of Johannes Andreae.

Mainz:  Peter Schoeffer, 5 Apr. 1473.
Fol. [1-310 412 (4/11+χ1) 5-710 810 (8/9+χ1) 912 10-118 126 13-1610 174].  [162] leaves.
ISTC ib00981000;  GW 4853;  Goff B981;  BMC I 29 (IC. 177);  Bod-inc B-462;  CIBN B-696;  BSB-Ink B-703.

GIP number: B95
Shelf-mark: Sp Coll Hunterian Bx.1.6 (see main library entry for this item)
Variant: Variant setting of colophon as recorded in GW Anm.
Note: The outer and inner conjugate pairs of each quire are printed on parchment, the rest on paper (except for quire r where the outer sheets only are of parchment);  see Joseph Van Praet, Catalogue des livres imprimés sur vélin de la Bibliothèque du Roi, 6 vols (Paris: 1822-8), II, pp. 13-14, no. 12.
Note: Printer's pin-holes visible.
Note: Stub showing between 8/1 and 8/2.
Provenance: Louis Jean Gaignat (1697-1768), Secretary to King Louis XV:  Gaignat sale, 1769;  lot 682 in Guillaume de Bure, Bibliographie instructive:  supplément ... ou catalogue des livres de feu M. L.J. Gaignat, 2 vols (Paris: 1769). NB according to the Bibliothèque Méjanes annotated copy (Res. O. 189) of the Gaignat sale catalogue, Gaignat bought the book for 153 livres.
William Hunter (1718-1783), physician and anatomist:  purchased by Hunter at the Gaignat sale through his agent, Jean-Baptiste Dessain, for 80 livres 1 sou;  see Dessain-Hunter correspondence (University of Glasgow Library, MS Gen. 36, f. 23v).
University of Glasgow:  Hunterian bequest, 1807;  Hunterian Museum bookplate on front pastedown, with former shelfmark “Ak.1.8”.
Binding: France, 18th-century red goatskin;  covers decorated with a triple gold-fillet border, a small gold fleuron at each corner;  gold-tooled spine;  marbled endpapers;  gilt-edged leaves;  bunch of grapes watermark on rear flyleaf, countermark "L G" on front flyleaf.   Size:  407 x 290 mm.
Leaf size: 394 x 276 mm.
Annotations: Occasional brief marginal annotations, manicules and nota marks in an early hand;  foliated with errors in an early hand;  manuscript table of contents in the same hand on an inserted parchment flyleaf;  quires numbered “1”-“17” in an early hand in lower margin of first leaf.
Decoration: Initials and paragraph marks throughout supplied in alternate red and blue;  running book numbers “I”-“V” added in red in middle of upper margins of recto leaves along with chapter headings in top outer corner, also in red.
Imperfections: Wanting 16/10 (f. 158);  17/4 (f. 162) mutilated and colophon mounted on a separate parchment leaf.

Manuscript table of contents in Bonifacius VIII, Pont. Max.: Liber sextus Decretalium