Biblia. [Latin]
With the Postilla of Nicolaus de Lyra, additions by Guilelmus Brito and Paulus de Sancta Maria, and replications by Matthias Doering.
Add: Nicolaus de Lyra: Contra perfidiam Judaeorum.
Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 1497.
Fol. Part I: Aa-Az8 Ba-Bz8 Ca-Cg8. [1], II-CCCCXXIIII leaves. Part II: Da-Dz8 Ea-Es8 Et10. [1], II-CCCXXXVIII leaves. Part III: A-Z8 AA-PP8 QQ6 RR8. [1], II-CCCXVII, [1] leaves (the last blank). Part IV: a-z8 aa-xx8. [1], II-CCCLI, [1] leaves (the last blank).
Parts I-III undated; part IV dated 6 Sept. 1497.
Woodcuts in part I.
ISTC ib00619000; GW 4294; Goff B619; BMC II 443 (IB. 7535); Bod-inc B-324; CIBN B-434; BSB-Ink B-477.
Two copies listed in Glasgow Incunabula Project; copy 1 held by University of Glasgow Library and copy 2 held by the Mitchell Library
Copy 1
GIP number: | B66 |
Shelf-mark: | Sp Coll Bo1-d.2 (see main library entry for this item) |
Note: | Part II only (but see B58 for parts I and III and B59/2 for part IV from other Koberger editions, used to complete the set). |
Provenance: | William Hills (17th century): inscription “to giue at ye returne of this Booke 3s William hills (Seruant to mr White)” on Et10v. White, Mr (17th century) - see above. University of Glasgow: source unknown; mid 18th-century University Library shelfmark “BX f2 n2” (scored through) on Da1r and on front pastedown; another mid 18th-century University Library shelfmark “CR f2 n2” on front pastedown; shelfmark “CE.2.7” on University Library book-plate matching entry in A. Arthur, Catalogus impressorum librorum in Bibliotheca Universitatis Glasguensis (Glasguae: 1791). |
Binding: | 16th-century blind-tooled calf over wooden boards; both covers decorated with intersecting fillets to form a centre panel and two frames; the centre panel is divided by a fillet into lozenge and triangular-shaped compartments, each filled with a lattice stamp; the inner frame is filled with a diaper roll of quatrefoils in lozenges and the outer frame is undecorated; evidence of two clasps, both now lost; rebacked and repaired in the 20th century and given new free endpapers; original parchment pastedowns preserved intact - consisting of two leaves from a 14th/15th-century parchment manuscript containing the text (in two ruled columns) of Duns Scotus, Ordinatio I, Dist. 2, Pars I, Quaest. 2, 21-30 (front pastedown) and Ordinatio I, Dist. 2, Pars I, Quaest. 3, 177-185 (rear pastedown). Size: 352 × 248 mm. |
Leaf size: | 339 x 234 mm. |
Annotations: | Marginal annotations in a 16th-century hand on Eo8v; 16th-century price(?) “4s”(?) on Da1r. |
Decoration: | None. |
Imperfections: | Wanting parts I, III and IV (see Note). |
Copy 2
Accession number: | 160419 |
Note: | Aa1 mounted. |
Provenance: | Kaisheim, Bavaria, Cistercians, BVM; founded 1133, dissolved 1802: Part I: inscription “FF de Caesarea. N: i75” on Aa1r. Part II: inscription “B.V.M. in Caesarea” on Da1r; inventory number/shelfmark “N: i75” on recto of front free endpaper. James Morison (1816-1893), United Secession minister and a founder of the Evangelical Union: s ource unknown. Mitchell Library, Glasgow: bookplate on front pastedowns recording Morison library purchase in 1894. |
Binding: | 18th-century speckled sheep over pasteboards; sprinkled red-edged leaves. Size: 339 x 240 mm. |
Leaf size: | 326 x 230 mm. |
Annotations: | Part I: 19th-century number “N. 542” in pencil on recto of front free endpaper; 19th-century annotations “1-4/G9” and “Collationirt” in pencil on verso of front free endpaper. Part II is similarly annotated. |
Decoration: | Part I: Thirteen-line initial “H” on Aa2r supplied in red with reserved white; numerous other initials throughout supplied in red, often with reserved white and some with marginal flourishes; paragraph marks and underlining in red added to the incipits to each book. Part II: numerous initials supplied throughout in red, often with reserved white and some with marginal flourishes. |
Imperfections: | Parts I and II only (which are bound in two volumes); wanting parts III and IV, the set completed at an early date with parts III and IV from the Koberger edition of 1493. |