Nominations Committee

Appointed by Court, the Nominations Committee (NC) will lead the process for appointments and ensure plans are in place for orderly succession to Court.    

Committee remit

The Committee shall:

  • Provide oversight on the planning, policy and process for the appointment of the Convener of Court, and co-opted lay members, including succession planning for key roles on Court
  • Make recommendations to Court on the policy and process for the appointment of the Convener of Court, having regard to the skills and experience required
  • Make recommendations to Court on the appointment of co-opted lay members, having regard to the skills and experience required
  • Make recommendations to Court on the appointment of Court committee members, in consultation with the relevant Committee chairs; and to make recommendations on the chairing of Court committees
  • Advise Court on any other matter relating to its membership
  • Consider relevant changes in legislation and recommend new policy developments in relation to the appointment of members of Court
  • To undertake a review of its own remit, performance and effectiveness annually as part of the overall review of Court and its Committees and report thereon to Court

Scheme of Delegation

The following details the delegated authority for the NC and shows how it is placed in the overall University Scheme of Delegation with escalation Court:

Area of Responsibility


Decision Making Delegated Authority

Escalation To

Provide oversight on the planning, policy and process
for the appointment of the Convener of Court, and
co-opted lay members 

N/A Court N/A

Recommend to Court the policy and process for the
appointment of Convener of Court




Approve appointment of co-opted lay members




Approve appointment of Court committee members




Committee Membership

This is a non-executive chaired committee with the following membership:

  • Lay member of Court (Chair) 
  • 3 other lay members of including one of whom will be the Convenor of Court
  • 2 Staff Representatives from Court
  • Student Representative Council President

In attendance:

  • Principal
  • Chief Operating Officer and University Secretary

The Committee will also appoint a Vice-Chair from amongst its members.

Committee Member Responsibilities

Each Committee member has a responsibility to:

  • Assure impartiality in all nominations
  • Activity and behaviour should embody the University’s values (click here for details)

Format and cadence

The meeting schedule will be as required and normally lasts 1 hour.


  • Previous minutes and actions
  • Nominations to Court


  • Revised papers and reports to Court
  • Minutes

Substitutions and Quorum

Substitutions may be made with prior notice given to the clerk.  There must be a minimum of 5 from the core group (excluding clerk) in attendance for decisions or approvals. In the event of a consensus not being reached, the Chair will escalate to Court.

Conflict of Interest

The NC will follow the UofG procedure for the management of any conflicts.  The procedure defines declaration of conflicts as a standard agenda item at the start of the meeting, the maintenance of a register of conflicts, and a process for managing all conflicts which are declared.