Registered Student Online Claim
If you are a UOG registered student and have a UK Bank account, you can now make a student expenses claim via the Student expenses system.
Students Expenses Policy
All claims must be within Student Expenses Policy
Privacy Notice (Students)
Student Systems - Student User Guides and FAQs
MyCampus Student Expenses Process
Roles & Responsibilites
(For Staff and Students)
Student Expenses: Pre-Approval Confirmation Template for Budget Holders
Dear Student
I refer to your request for pre-approval of your Student Expenses claim.
As Budget Holder, I confirm the following in respect of the claim submitted:
1.Spend being claimed adheres to the University’s Student Expenses Policy;
2. I am happy to pre-approve spend up to the amount of £***;
3.The costs related to this claim are to be charged to sub-project ******-01, Description: ‘******’;
(Note: where the claim value is to be split between multiple sub-projects, please use 3.1 to confirm split of costings)
3.1The costs related to this claim are to be split between the following sub-projects, as detailed:
******-01, Description ‘*******’, Value: £***
******-01, Description ‘*******’, Value: £***
******-01, Description ‘*******’, Value: £***
In the event that a student has asked to claim an expense that is outside of Policy, additional information is required to validate this as an exceptional claim item.
* Approval of all exceptions must be included in the pre-approval confirmation to students;
* Please indicate the below in your pre-approval notification:
I note that this claim includes expenditure relating to XXXXXXXXXX which is outwith Policy. As an exception, I confirm that I am content this expenditure has been justified sufficiently and approve for reimbursement.
Many thanks