New Sub-Project Request Form

Benefits of New Sub-Project Request Form

User Manuals

Select the relevant manual Depending 
on the Cost Class of the New Sub-Project 
required. A list of cost classes can be seen further

down on this webpage.

If unsure which manual to select please contact Management 
Cost ClassManual

200 - Research - Overheads
300 - Teaching
400 - Teaching - Overheads
700 - General Funds
702 - General Funds - Residences & Hospitality
710 - General Funds - Discretionary
711 - Donations / Fundraising

FORMS1- New Sub-Project Request: General Funds 
150 - Research - Donations FORMS2- New Sub-Project Request: Research Discretionary 
530 - Commercial - General Trading
531 - Commercial - Trading Journals/Editorial
541 - Commercial - Payroll Bureau
542 - Commercial - Intercompany
570 - Commercial - Ring Fenced Grants
598 - Commercial - FRS102
600 - Commercial - Overheads
FORMS3- New Sub-Project Request: Commercial 
540 - Commercial - Salaries Recovered FORMS4- New Sub-Project Request: Salary Recovered 

751 - IS Major Projects
752 - IS Revenue Projects
753 - IS Maintenance
754 - IS Annual Operation Spend
755 - IS Capital Projects
761 - Research Strategy
762 - Learning and Teaching Strategy
763 - Innovation Strategy
764 - Internationalisation Strategy
765 - Sustainability
766 - Strategy Implementation
767 - Strategy Unallocated
771 - College Roll Forward
772 - Accommodation
773 - Equipment
781 - Interest Payable
782 - Loan Repayment

FORMS5- New Sub-Project Request: Investments 
800 - Endowment
801 - Endowment - Investments
FORMS6- New Sub-Project Request: Endowments 
701 - Estates - Capital Projects
703 - Estates - Revenue Projects
704 - Estates - Campus Redevelopment Projects
705 - Estates - Reactive & Planned Maintenance
706 - Estates - Annual Spend
FORMS7- New Sub-Project Request: Estates 
Approving Form Requests  FORMS8- New Sub-Project Request: Approval 

FORMS9- New Sub-Project Request: Enquiry


 List of Cost Classes

New Sub-Project Request Workflow

 See below the approval process of the New Sub-Project Request Form. There is also a manual for users who approve these requests.

FORMS8- New Sub-Project Request: Approval


There is also an enquiry that will show where in the approval process the request is:
FORMS9- New Sub-Project Request: Enquiry

New Sub-Project Request Workflow

New Sub-Project Request Enquiry



There is an enquiry available to view New Sub-Project Requests forms. This will hold specific details of the Form and also show where in the approval process the request is.

FORMS9- New Sub-Project Request: Enquiry


New Sub-Project Request Enquiry