Teachbreak Events

Teachbreak events should not be set as Online Live or Online Anytime.

Teachbreak was created to be used in the rare situation where a teaching event requires breakout rooms.

The main event where all students will meet should have the source set to Teach - this will appear on students' timetables.

The Teachbreak event will be at the same time as the main teaching event, so you will not be able to select the subgroup and this should be left off. This means the size of the event will be wrong as it will pull through the size of the full course. Add the size of room you require in the Class Group Capacity field and we will discount the full event size.

A screenshot from CMIS showing an event window, highlighting the Source, Class Groups, and Group fields.

These events should be a very rare occurrence. The University does not have the teaching space to accommodate classes being taught in multiple rooms. If you use Teachbreak you run a high risk of no rooms being available for your event as teaching events will take priority. You must plan the structure of your classes correctly.


Below is an example of the correct and incorrect way to structure a course with a 9am-10am lecture, followed by 10am-11am tutorials for two groups, followed by a 11am-12pm lecture.

Correct Structure:

Event Structure Time
Event 1 - LC01 Teach 9am-10am
Event 2 - TU01 Teach 10am-11am
Event 3 - TU02 Teach 10am-11am
Event 4 - LC01 Teach 11am-12pm

Incorrect Structure:

Event Structure Time
Event 1 - LC01 Teach 9am-12pm
Event 2 - Teachbreak 10am-11am
Event 3 - Teachbreak 10am-11am

Induction Events

You should also use the Teachbreak source tag for your Inductions. You do not have to add a course to these events but using the Teachbreak tag will ensure they roll forward into next year’s data and will be roomed before non-teaching events.