Visitor Parking

Visitor Permits

The University has a small number of visitor parking at both Gilmorehill campus and Garscube campus which are available for pre-booking (subject to the relevant fee and availability).

A flat rate charge of £9 per day or £4.50 per half-day will be applicable and permits can be issued in increments of 0.5 days. These charges are subject to annual review and spaces are subject to availability.

Full-Day   08:00-17:00
Half-Day  08:00-13:00 or 13:00-17:00

Outwith these times and at weekends, vehicles parking on campus will not require a permit and parking will be free of charge on our Gilmorehill and Garscube campuses.

No visitor parking will be issued for Tay House/Berkeley Square due to restrictions in building access.

All visitors will be directed to designated visitor parking bays on arrival at the University. All visitors parking MUST be within the designated visitor parking bays, or they may be subject to a Parking Notice Charge (PCN).

For special events being held at the University, specific parking arrangements can be organised. Please contact the Campus Parking Team for more information.


External Visitors to the University

To avoid disappointment, external visitors to the University can pre-book a space by initially contacting the Car Parking team.

The Car Parking team will send you details on how to create an account, log on and book a space. External visitors can book either a half-day or full-day, as noted above. Spaces are subject to availability and charges will apply.

A credit/debit card payment will be requested in order to make the booking. 


Visitors who hold a valid Blue Badge

Visitors who hold a valid blue badge can also park on the campus at no cost. However, they must still register and apply for a blue badge visitor permit and book in the same way. Please contact the Car Parking team for more information/guidance.


Staff Visitors

UofG staff who wish to travel between campuses or require to pay for a space using a credit/debit card can do so by clicking the link below.

Once registered, you must apply for a Visitor Permit.

Once approved, you will receive an automated email to confirm your application. You will then be able to log on to the system, book a space and make a payment online.

The permit itself is free of charge. You will only be charged when you book parking for a specific date and time (AM, PM, or both AM and PM). A credit/debit card payment will be requested in order to make the booking.


Departmental Budget Visitor Permits

UofG staff who wish to book a visitor space by making payment using a department budget please contact the parking team,  


Arriving on Campus

Access to the campus is via Pearce Lodge gate, just off University Avenue.  When you arrive at the barrier, our Security team will greet you and check you have a booking.

Please inform them that you have a visitor parking space booked. They will scan your registration which will confirm your booking and they will then direct you to the visitor parking areas on campus.

The campus operates a one way system around the main campus.  Exit from the campus is to follow the one way system and then head down to Dumbarton Road Gatehouse where you will exit the campus.

Location of Visitor Bays

Visitor Bays are located at the north front of the campus. When you enter at Pearce Lodge gate, follow the road up and along the front of the main building, past the flagpole on your left.  After the flagpole take the next right into Professor Square, follow that road round and you will see the visitor bays at the red letter box.  these are marked VISITOR BAYS ONLY.


Booking Larger Visitor Vehicles on Campus

Due to certain height and width restrictions at the entrances to campus, we are limited to the size of vehicles that can be booked. If you wish to book a visitor space but the vehicle is larger than a standard car, you must contact our Car Parking team initially, so we can review the request with our colleagues.