Understanding Racism Transforming University Culture

In 2021, the University published a report entitled Understanding Racism Transforming University Culture (URTUC), this report considered the impact of race and racism within the University campus. This was in response to the 2019 EHRC Inquiry report Tackling Racial Harassment: Universities Challenged. Widening the scope, the University included systemic, structural, and interpersonal racism. The action plan developed from the report findings has been an integral part of the work completed by the University in the past two years.

The action plan was based on four principles, which are:

  • The University of Glasgow takes an anti-racist approach to race equality work and accept our processes will contain structural inequalities.
  • Racial harassment in any form is unacceptable on our campus.
  • Our curriculum and learning community will thrive when it is reflective of global perspectives and when race equality is embedded.