Together Against Racism

A key outcome from the URTUC report was very few students or colleagues understood how to report racism. From this, the University developed campaign Together Against Racism, this campaign was developed through partnership with students and colleagues. Firstly, an academic in the Adam Smith Business School used the URTUC report and this action to build his Social Marketing programme for students; the University held a range of focus groups with students and colleagues to understand their views on the campaign, what it should address and the methodology to use, prior to final concepts being taken to a range of University groups and committees for final feedback. The campaign was launched on the 31 October 2022 with a whole community email from three members of SMG and a video. The campaign included a detailed website and campaign resource pack for leaders and line managers, these included:

  • How to report racial harassment.
  • What are microaggressions.
  • Allyship and how to be an active bystander.
  • Race Literacy Glossary.
  • Templates for communications from leaders, managers and supervisors.
  • Conversation guides for teams to discuss race and racism.

The response internally and externally has been overall positive, with good interactions on social media (see table 1 below) and the website has received over 5000 unique views since the start of the campaign.

ImpactTwitterFacebookInstagramLinked In
Reach 105,000  20,000 52,000 69,600
Engagement 3,300 2,100 2,600 2,300
Video Views 12,500+ 4,700 45,000 20,200

Table 1 - Social Media interactions from 31 October 2022 - 19 January 2023