Support for Disabled & Neurodivergent Colleagues

Support for Disabled & Neurodivergent Colleagues

The University has reviewed its support for Disabled colleagues when implementing reasonable adjustments. This was motived by improving the experience of Disabled colleagues, removing the requirements for the Disability Service to see employees (due to the increase in Disabled student numbers) and with the aim of maximising the automation available through new systems. This has resulted in a Support of Disabled and Neurodiverse Colleagues Portal – this outlines the following:

  • How to discuss adjustments and support
  • Systems guidance
  • Process flow charts
  • Information on Access to Work
  • Reasonable adjustment passport
  • Training on implementing reasonable adjustments.
  • Neurodiversity Resource Hub

The portal was launched in June 2022, and the University will conduct an evaluation of the process after 12 months.