Key Performance Indicators

The University has devised and agreed a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) to ensure progress with our strategy. In previous strategies there was a single KPI on growing the percentage of senior women at grade 10. In this strategic round this has been expanded to include growing the percentage of UK Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME*) colleagues and to increase the percentage of colleagues who declare a disability. The three elements of the KPI have ambitious benchmarks – for sex with an aim of 50% by 2030, and the other KPIs aim to align with the local labour market travel to work areas data. The KPIs are cascaded to schools, where each management team are required to indicated how they are addressing these KPIs in their annual strategic review process. The charts below show the progress.


*We have used the acronym ‘BAME’, (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) to denote those social groups who have been subject to historic and contemporaneous forms of racism and exclusion.  We are attentive to the fact that such aggregate forms of conceptualisation are not ideal and can sometimes mask important differences between groups.  However, gaps in the declared data currently prohibit further breakdown into separate ethnic groupings.