Health and Wellbeing

The University launched a Health and Wellbeing Portal for colleagues in 2022. The Colleague Engagement survey had highlighted this as a growing concern as it was indicated that colleagues found wellbeing and balance a challenge. The model was designed and developed internally with extensive consultation with trade unions and College Management Groups and wider groups including the Mental Health and Disability Equality Groups. The Health and Wellbeing wheel has five elements – social, physical, mental, financial, and spiritual wellbeing, which are based on the premises that wellbeing can be built on five types of interactions – be active, connect, give, learn and take notice. The portal provides advice and guidance under each of the element, including benefits colleagues can access in relation to these areas. There is also a manager’s zone, which supports them to understand their role in creating a mentally healthy workplace, understanding stress in the workplace policies, and tools to support them across a range of health matters for their team.