British Sign Language
Since April 2021, as part of the University’s British Sign Language (BSL) Action Plan, the Equality and Diversity Unit has worked with the University’s Lifelong Learning/ Short Courses team to provide over 60 fully funded places on discreet 10-week BSL courses for university colleagues and students. So far, with over 30 learners starting at beginner level, approximately half of each cohort have progressed through each level.
Some staff have sought out the courses to better communicate with their team members who are BSL users. Feedback from those learners and their colleagues has been overwhelming positive.
It has been so positive an experience being able to say a simple “hello” and “how are you” to our profoundly deaf team members, and they express such joy that we are making the effort to communicate with them in this manner. This has reverberated throughout the team and is making others keen to be able to offer this across the wider campus and within their own social circles.
During 2022 and 2023 over 70 External Relations colleagues have also attended ‘Deaf Awareness and introduction to BSL’ sessions.