Welcome to the Neurodiversity Resource Hub!
This hub has been created as a part of a Wellcome Trust ISSF grant for a project to promote neurodiversity and support neurodivergent staff and PGRs in the School of Cancer Sciences and the School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine within MVLS; however, it aims to be used throughout the University. It is for all staff and Postgraduate Research Students to use.
The hub includes information on definitions that fall under the umbrella of neurodiversity; inclusive and accessible practices; support for neurodivergent staff and PGR students; and navigating working relationships from colleague-to-colleague to manager and employees to supervisor and PGR student. All materials included within this hub are either from experts in the field of neurodiversity or disability equality or from the University of Glasgow’s own materials.
We hope that the Neurodiversity Resource Hub will inform, support, and promote inclusive practice for a more diverse, accessible University!

Positive Working Relationships
Staff communication, Line manager info, Supervisor and PGR student communication, PGR student groups

Neurodiversity and Gender

Job Recruitment

Disclosure of a Condition
Staff process & PGR student process, Do’s and Don’t when someone discloses to you

Support within the University

UofG Resources and External Resources
About Us
The project team includes Leigh Abbott, Prof Chris Halsey, Prof Peter Hastie, Dr Elliott Spaeth, Prof Karin Oien, Prof Margaret Sutherland, and Dr David Simmons.
However, we have had several people throughout the University provide their input on the hub before its publication. A list of the contributor’s names is in the Contributors section of this page. We thank you for your contributions and insights in the development of this hub.