The main reason for submitting a report is so that you can access advice and support.
More generally, we want to foster a culture where bullying, harassment and discrimination of any kind are not tolerated; where everyone can go about their business in safety.
In any scenario where the University uses the reports to identify wider issues in our community, this data will only be made available in anonymised forms.
What will happen
This form will be sent to the Equality and Diversity Unit who will initially review each report. If you submit a report and give your name and contact details they will contact you to outline the options or actions that are available to you. These might include:
- advice and guidance on how you might deal with the situation yourself, if appropriate.
- further informal support through a Respect Adviser
- further support from your local People and Organisational Development colleagues
- Referral to a First Responder
- signposting to the University's employee assistance programme
If you would prefer to speak to someone, rather than submit a form, you may contact your local P&OD team to request a meeting.
At any time after you submit the report, you can decide not to pursue the matters raised any further.
Your report and your details will be treated as confidential and will not be shared without your consent.
Emergency intervention
Where a report discloses information which suggests that the safety of an individual is at imminent risk, we may be obliged to share the report.
In such a situation, the University may need to take immediate action. If you feel that your report may fall into this category, we would advise you to seek more immediate support through the University's SafeZone app, from the University's Crisis Team, the Samaritans or the Breathing Space Helpline.
If you submit an anonymous report, we will have no way of knowing who submitted the report, so no one will make contact with you.
Anonymous reports can sometimes help to provide an impression of issues arising in a particular part of the University (for example, in a specific academic unit or service), or across the University as a whole.
In these instances, we might make informal enquiries into the issues identified in the report.
Instead of using this form, you can also raise an issue with your local HR/People and Organisational Development team.