Third-party content
Third-party content that is neither funded nor developed by, nor under the control of, the public sector body is exempt from the regulations.
Links to other websites
You are not responsible for the accessibility of these or any other websites that you do not manage, own or pay for.
Third-party functionality you have paid for and use
You are responsible for the accessibility of third-party functionality you have paid for. Check with your provider that it is accessible.
Third-party content you subscribe to and embed or link into the website
You can embed content or link to content that has not been designed for you as an organisation and would still exist without you.
Third-party platform you use to host your content
You are responsible for the content that you place on third-party platforms. You are not responsible for the platform.
This guidance is based on LexDis guidance from researchers at the University of Southhampton and is used under an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Creative Commons license.