Research Data Management
Research data management is the organization, storage, preservation, and sharing of information collected and used in a research project.
The University of Glasgow has a range of resources to support researchers seeking to manage their research data. These resources include the Research Data Management Service, these Research Data Management webpages and Enlighten: Research Data, the University's research data repository.
Any queries regarding research data management should be directed to:
Before You Begin
- Including data costs in funding applications
- Data planning
- Choosing file formats
- Intellectual Property and Commercialisation
- Data Protection & Freedom of Information Office
- University Ethics Committee(s)
Research in Progress
Our Research Data Management Policy
The University has a Research Data Management Policy which is covered within the Code of Good Practice in Research.
Implications of the policy for the data collected by taught students can be read about in Research Data Management Information for taught students.
Data Management Support
The Research Data Management Service seeks to support researchers undertaking research data management activities.
We offer:
- Training on all aspects of research data management, including writing data management plans.
- A review service for data management plans. Email if you’d like us to review or discuss your draft data management plan.
- Templates and guidance for PGR data management plans.
- Template and guidance for staff data management plans where the project isn’t funded or where the funders don’t provide a template.
- Guidance on costing research data management costs into funding applications.
- A comprehensive list of the latest funder Research Data Policies is available from the Digital Curation Centre's website.
- A mediated data deposit service for Enlighten: Research Data.
Please contact the RDM Service if you have any questions regarding research data management.