The Fallen (September-December 1914)

Of the 755 University men and women who fell over the course of the War, twelve were lost in the first months of the conflict in 1914.  These links will take you to their biographies on the WW1 Roll of Honour section of The University of Glasgow Story website. 

December 1914

30th December 1914

24th December 1914

22nd December 1914

19th December 1914

12th December 1914

9th December 1914

November 1914

30th November 1914

26th November 1914

11th November 1914

October 1914

21st October 1914

September 1914

25th September 1914

14th September 1914


The Fallen (January-March 1916)

The Fallen (August-December 1915)

The Fallen (April-July 1915)

The Fallen (January-March 1915)

The Fallen (July-September 1916)

The Fallen (April-June 1916)

The Fallen (July-September 1917)

The Fallen (April-June 1917) 

The Fallen (January-March 1917)

The Fallen (October-December 1916) 

World War One Commemoration