Great War Project
Can you help with our Great War Project?
In the years marking the centenary of the Great War, we have been involving staff, students, alumni and friends in exploring our own community’s past. Even in 1914 our community was diverse. Gilmorehill had welcomed people from many countries to work and study here and a range of views were expressed for and against the Great War. We want today’s community to join us to find out more about how our University and our predecessors were affected by 5 years of total war.
Share your time
Staff, students and friends of the University are invited to spend some time with us in the Archives and to be twinned with a 1914-1918 predecessor whose story they would like to tell. If there is enough interest we will run group training sessions. To register your interest in finding out about our campus in the Great War, please email us.
Internship opportunities
Our Great War Project offers a range of Internships to students through the Internship Hub. These are open to all registered students of the University of Glasgow. View the Student Opportunities Hub website for current opportunities.
Share your knowledge
If you know something we don’t about one of the people listed on our Roll of Honour or about the University in the Great War, we would love to hear from you. Contact us.
Share your WW1 research and teaching news
We are co-ordinating the University’s WW1 commemoration activities and we have compiled a WW1 Experts Directory (5 pages, 759kb, pdf) of those people undertaking research and teaching that is somehow connected with the First World War. If you would like to contribute anything from a 10 minute talk to organising a conference, we would like to hear from you. We have a Twitter, a Blog and an Events webpage that we can use to share your news or promote your events. Contact us.
Introducing the Great War Project (film)
Remembering our people
View the University of Glasgow Library’s Flickr set Remembering our people to see how current students, staff and volunteers are engaging with the University’s past.
For more information about the Project, go to the Glasgow University's Great War: A Centenary Project.