Music for Rememberance concert 9 Nov flyerDate: Sunday 9 November 2014
Time: 7:30pm
Venue: University Memorial Chapel
Admission: Free

Sponsored by the Centre for Russian, Central and East European Studies in the University of Glasgow.

Russian Orthodox Church Music

Kastalsky: Requiem for Fallen Brothers with an accompaniment arranged by Graham Hair.

Aurea Quarted with double bass conducted by Stuart Campbell.

The first part of the programme comprises the following a cappella compositions:

N. Kedrov (fils): Velichaniye Kentigernu (Glorification of St Kentigern)
Konstantinov: Svetilen (Hymn of Light)
N. Kedrov (père): Otche nash (The Lord’s Prayer)
Turchaninov: Da molchit vsyakaya plot’ (Let all mortal flesh keep silence)
L’vov: Vecheri Tvoyeya taynïya (Of Thy mystical supper)
Bortnyansky: Dostoyno yest’ (It is meet)
Bortnyansky: Yedinorodnïy Sïne (Only-begotten Son)
Bortnyansky: Kheruvimskaya (Cherubic Song) (D)
Bortnyansky: Slava vo vïshnikh Bogu (Glory to God in the highest) (Concerto no. 6)

First published: 9 November 2014

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