Date: Sunday 14 December 2014
Time: 6pm
Venue: University Memorial Chapel

All welcome!

The Service of Nine Lessons and Carols was first conducted at Truro Cathedral in 1880. The story of the fall of man, the promise of the Messiah, and the birth of Jesus is told in nine short Bible readings, interspersed with the singing of Christmas carols and hymns.

At the University of Glasgow we appreciate the rich diversity of people who comprise our community. We celebrate what they bring to the University and the City. In tonight’s Service we do this by including Readings and Messages from several of the different faith and belief communities in the University, alongside the traditional Christian Readings.

This has been a particularly significant year in the life of the Chapel. On the Sunday immediately prior to the Opening Ceremony of the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games we held an Inter Faith Service in the Chapel which brought together Glasgow’s religion and belief communities and was attended by more than 200 people. Then on 4th August we began a four year programme of Commemoration of those from the University who died in the Great War 1914 -18, and also of the many women and men from the University who served in that conflict. The Prince of Peace, Jesus was born into a Jewish community around which were practised Greek, Roman, Eastern Mystic, Pagan and Humanist beliefs. In the Gospels we read of how He frequently engaged with people from these diverse backgrounds.

The Offering received during the Service will be given by the University to the Christian Aid Christmas Appeal. The Christmas Appeal is to provide clinics and help to women in pregnancy, mothers and babies in Kenya. Born in a stable the earliest days of Jesus were spent as a homeless traveller with his parents Mary and Joseph fleeing Herod. The UK Government has pledged to double every £ donated to this Appeal. Gift Aid envelopes will be provided for your donation. 

On behalf of the University of Glasgow may I extend to you the University’s best wishes for a very Happy Christmas and a Good New Year for 2015.

Reverend Stuart D MacQuarrie Chaplain to the University

First published: 12 December 2014

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