Date: Saturday 4 April
Time: 5:45pm
Venue: University Memorial Chapel
Tickets: £6

parker & sandall imageThe third commission for Counterflows 2015 brings two of improvisations musical masters together in a profound but simple conceptual project.

Co-commissioned with the wonderful Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival as part of the celebrations last year of Evan Parker’s 70th birthday, Improvisations for Church Organ and Saxophone, explores the amazingly resonant space of the University of Glasgow Memorial Chapel.

Pianist and organ specialist, Sten Sandell, joins Evan in this duel between the acoustic instruments and the actual dynamics of the space.

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View the complete programme

AC Projects and HCMF// gratefully acknowledge the support of the PRS for Music Foundations’ Beyond Borders fund for this commission.

First published: 18 March 2015

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