About us

The University of Glasgow Inter-faith Chaplaincy is a small team dedicated to:

  • fostering student and staff well-being and flourishing, whatever their identity or beliefs, with thoughtful engagement, community building and belonging;
  • providing spaces for students and staff to experience meaning-making, wonder and exploration through various services, events and music in the Memorial Chapel and elsewhere on campus;
  • pastoral and spiritual care of students and staff;
  • offering opportunities for worship and spiritual exploration on campus;
  • facilitating conversations between people of different faiths and beliefs, nationalities and cultures;
  • supporting student faith groups on campus.

We have a small staff team consisting of one full-time and one part-time Chaplain and a part-time administrator. In addition, we have access to a wider network of Honorary (volunteer) Chaplains. Together, we advise the University on the distinctives of lived faith and belief, and offer pastoral care to our students and staff.

The Inter-faith Chaplaincy is part of Student Support and Wellbeing, and we work closely with our colleagues in Counselling & Psychological Services, the Wellbeing Team and the Disability Service.

Find us - Maps & directions

The Chaplaincy Offices are situated on level 2 of the Main Building, West Quadrangle adjacent to the Memorial Chapel.

Get directions

Accessible entrance to Chapel                          Chapel entrance from West Quadrangle

Chapel entrance Professor Square                     Chapel Entrance leading to Chaplaincy Offices