How do I write my previous qualifications from outside the UK? 

Some employers will provide information about how to present non-UK qualifications on their recruitment pages, so check their websites first. HR departments within the companies may offer some help.

If you are asked to provide equivalencies for your qualifications, the UCAS website has standard comparisons for qualifications. Another resource can be found at UK ENIC. This organisation can provide you with a statement of qualification comparability.

You may find that some employers might be unfamiliar with your previous institution and qualification, so you could highlight specific merits of these, e.g., ranking the positions of the school/university. You might also want to explain how your academic and other achievements meet or exceed expected standards in your home country, e.g., you were one of only ten who were awarded the scholarship. 

If you have many school awards, put the relevant ones on your CV and if you have lots then maybe group them together into subject areas. Find out more about structuring a CV on our CV pages.