What to consider

  • Motivation: What are your reasons for considering further study? This might be subject interest, to advance your career, because it is a requirement for your chose career, or any other reason. Being clear on your motivations will enable you to assess courses against these
  • Expectations: Following from the above, check your expectations are correct. For example, is it a requirement for your target career, or a ‘nice to have’? Might your time be better spent building experience for example?
  • Cost/benefit: Considering the above two points, weigh the cost/ benefit, to determine if it is right for you. Remember, further study is possible at any time during your life. When considering costs, consider time as well as financial considerations
  • Recognition: Especially important if you are pursuing further study for career purposes, is to check whether the course is recognised, either formally, for example through professional accreditation, or commonly requested, in your target industry or profession