Reconnecting and getting involved

Whether you are looking to connect with fellow alumni around the world, build your professional network or support our current students, there are a great many ways you can involved. There are also lots of benefits to help you in your career ahead.

Find out more about being part of the UofG Alumni community and the benefits available to you.

What our grads say

Name: Anushree Prashant

Graduated: 2018

Studied: M.Litt. Creative Writing

Current Job Title: Writer/Translator 

As a UofG alumnus, I have received constant support from staff, tutors, cohort as well as the larger alumni around the world. In the time of the pandemic and otherwise too, if you need help towards job hunting, or advice in a particular field, do connect with the wider alumni around the globe, reach out via LinkedIn and if you can offer help, do so.  It’s immensely rewarding to be able to help a community of people who have been educated by the same Alma Mater and you know that they will offer the same quality in their work and ethos.