The next steps for Kelvin Hall

The new Kelvin Hall is attracting international attention with global players and projects working here.

The mix of research, cultural heritage, civic, media, sport and commercial activities is unrivalled. Moreover, the possibility of creating new public exhibition and visual arts spaces in a second phase of development is currently being considered.

The implications for the University are far-reaching, with an opportunity to use this unique combination of digital and physical access to provide a 21st-century platform for remote and hybrid forms of learning.

For the new Hunterian at Kelvin Hall, further development could provide:

  • The ability to connect the centralised storage and the Collections Study Centre 
  • Expanded exhibition galleries 
  • An enriched visitor and student experience as a result of the street presence of its new location.

Other potential benefits of Kelvin Hall for the wider area are:

  • A rare opportunity to build a vibrant cultural quarter in the West End of Glasgow, centred on Kelvingrove Art Gallery & Museum, the Riverside Museum and the new Kelvin Hall.
  • A unified city and Mackintosh collection in the Kelvin Hall, including the Mackintosh House, which would draw tourists from around the world, providing opportunities for knowledge exchange, displays of research and institutional marketing.