Kelvin Hall teaching lab

University of Glasgow facilities at Kelvin Hall

There are a number of facilities at Kelvin Hall that University of Glasgow students have access to.

These include:

  • the Hunterian Collections Study Centre
  • student study space
  • a lecture theatre
  • seminar rooms 

The Hunterian Collections Study Centre

This is the first purpose-designed facility within Higher Education to offer innovative object-based research, teaching and training for a wide educational audience. It features:

  • A state-of-the-art central collections depot
  • Object study rooms
  • Teaching labs
  • Conservation and digitisation studios
  • A dedicated conference suite

The Collections Study Centre operates as an object laboratory, in which museum collections and objects are selected and delivered into purpose-designed teaching and study spaces according to academic, educational or curatorial training purposes.

The centre will be used for classes and research activities by the university and its partners, at all levels from undergraduate through to postgraduate and lifelong learning.

External researchers and interested members of the public can request access to the collections by appointment.

Student Study Space

The Hunterian Reading Room at Kelvin Hall can be used by University of Glasgow postgraduate students on relevant courses and staff and visiting researchers with a relevant interest in The Hunterian collections.

Space is limited and access is managed by The Hunterian. To request access please contact Ruth Fletcher with details of:

  • Date and length of time required.
  • Preference with regards to PC or laptop.
  • Purpose /subject of research.