We want to ensure that the local community, students, staff, residents and businesses, get a say on the University’s Campus Development Programme.
We have undertaken thorough consultation at all key stages, and we will continue to offer every chance for people to input to proposals as we go forwards.
In most cases the University seeks to exceed statutory requirements for public consultation, and our process includes public meetings, engaging local press and emailing stakeholders.
Our plans have also been through a rigorous pre-application process with statutory consultees over a number of years, as is appropriate for the complex nature and scale of development.
At the very beginning of this process, in 2014, we consulted widely on our Campus Development Framework document. The Campus Development Framework underpins the overall approach to the development and provides the key themes and principles which are being addressed and delivered as part of the detailed stages of design and construction.
Following on from that, we have been engaged in other initiatives relating to the Campus Development, including consultations for the Planning Permission in Principle and each of the new buildings.
Consultation reports which supported the Planning Permission in Principle and the Campus Development Framework are available to download from this page.
As part of this process, the University has convened meetings and workshops with groups including the University community, design forums, SPT, Sustrans, as well as disability and equality, sustainability and cycling groups.
Every six months we also undertake engagement sessions, which are and aimed at local groups, community councils, residents, businesses and interested individuals.
We want to make sure that consultation remains the foundation of what we do and we will continue to seek feedback as we deliver our Campus Development Programme.
If you are interested in attending future meetings or have any feedback please contact:
There is more information about current planning applications on the Glasgow City Council website.
We have provided links to reports from two major pieces of consultation; these support our Planning Permissin in Principle and our Campus Develoment Framework.