
Welcome to the Business Continuity (BC) page for University of Glasgow. Here you will find information related to the management of BC in the University, including our BC Management Policy, structure, testing and exercise programme and more.

Pages will be updated and new ones added as we go along, so please keep checking back.

If you have any enquiries relating to BC, please email businesscontinuity@glasgow.ac.uk

What is Business Continuity (BC)?

The BC Institute defines BC as, ‘the capability of the organisation to continue delivery of products or services at acceptable predefined levels following disruptive incident’.

To ensure this happens, there needs to be a robust Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) in place, which is part of the overall management system that establishes, implements, operates, monitors, reviews, maintains and improves BC.

To strengthen our capabilities for BC, we will work collaboratively with internal and external colleagues, along with our strategic partners to identify and implement effective solutions which allow our priority areas to continue to function at pre-defined levels, following a disruptive incident.

Estates Critical Incident Procedure

Strengthening Relationships

We will work collaboratively with internal colleagues, from risk, estates, and other key functions, to identify and implement effective business continuity (BC) solutions.

The University has a global reputation and with that has forged global relationships. Therefore, we will work, not only with local and national communities, as well as local partners, but we will seek to leverage existing global relationships to enhance our approach to BC planning.


Resources to help you with business continuity planning are currently under development and we will be sharing these with you as soon as they become available.  It is worth mentioning that all resources as far as is reasonably possible, will be co-designed, by our users to ensure they are user-friendly and meet the needs of colleagues.