Logbook - Page 15


Remarks 1808

9 September 1808 Come to Anchor at St Jones [St Johns] Neufondland [Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador province, Canada] 
  this {place - scored out} toun [town] is not very large but
  well Inhabited by Scotch [Scots] & Irish
  and a very exelent [excellent] harbour.  plenty
  of Fish here
23 September 1808 Sent to the Hospitle [hospital]
1 October 1808 Come on bord [board]
2 October 1808 Sailed for England with a Convoy
24 October 1808 Come to Anchor at Spithead [off Portsmouth, England]
27 October 1808 Went into the harbour
28 October 1808 Paeed [paid] 14 shillings prise [prize] Monny [money]
  the fishing bot [boat]
4 November 1808 Paeed [paid] 14/6 [14 shillings 6 pence] for a Rufsian [Russian] frigat [frigate] taken 
  at Spithead
7 November 1808 Ship went into Dock
11 November 1808 Paeed [paid] 2.4.8 [2 pounds 4 shillings 8 pence] first payment of Mount d Vidio [Montevideo, Uruguay]
18 November 1808 Ship came out of Dock
10 December 1808 Went out of the Harbour
12 December 1808 Paeed [paid] our waidges [wages] 10 - 12  [10 pounds 12 shillings]
14 December 1808 Sailed to Join the Channel fleet
20 December 1808 John Thomson fell from the Main
  Topmas [topmast] head overbord [overboard] & was dround [drowned]   35  [35th person to die]
28 December 1808 Come to Anchor at Plymouth Sound [off Plymouth, England]
28 December 1808 Went into the Harbour
20 January 1809 Went out of the Harbour

(GUAS Ref: UGC 182.  Copyright reserved.)



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