Logbook - Page 11


Remarks 1807

2 February 1807 Stormed Mount d Vidio [Montevideo, Uruguay] at 3 Oclock
  in the morning after 8 days sige [siege]
  the English lost 700 Killed and Wounded
  and the Spaniards above 2000 -
  there was 70 Sail of Vessels in the
  Harbour, Sir Walter Stirling Stra- [page ripped]
  London Aigent [agent]
12 February 1807 Sailed for Ridigenera [Rio de Janeiro, Brazil] for Poo- [page ripped]
  Spook [to speak a ship - a Royal Navy tradition of exchanging greetings and/or messages] the Niad [ HMS Naiad (1797) {Wikipedia}] fri- [frigate] [page ripped]
  5 Transports & Troops for the Ni- [page ripped]
18 February 1807 Come to Ancher [anchor] at Ridigenera [Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]
  this place is well fortifayed [fortified] & is very
  high and the toun [town] is Situated
  upon the beech [beach] & in such a manner
  as no Shipping can hurt it.  it belongs
  to the Portegeues [Portuguese] , its hott [hot] but helthy [healthy]
26 February 1807 Left Ridigenera [Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]
13 March 1807 11 Vessels sailed up the River for to
  take Alsinado a Seaport toun [town] which
  gave up without anny [any] Resestence [resistance]
14March 1807 John Bleves Marin [marine] lost his Arm
  by a Blunderbush [blunderbuss] goin [going] off
19 March 1807 James Johns fell overbord [overboard] & was Drouned [drowned]   27  [27th person to die]
30 April 1807 Spook the Lanchaster [HMS Lancaster (1797) {Wikipedia}]  & How [ HMS Howe (1805) {Wikipedia}] , with
  14 Sail of Marchinmen [Merchantmen] & Transports
  with prisioners [prisoners] for England
9 May 1807

Spooke the Thisby  [HMS Thisbe (1783) {Wikipedia}] frigat [frigate] 9 weeks

  from England

(GUAS Ref: UGC 182.  Copyright reserved.)

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