Student Experience Committee
Terms of reference
- Agree and oversee implementation of a common strategy, plans and policies for non-academic aspects of student life, to be jointly led by the University and the SRC.
- Ensure that every student has the opportunity to enjoy and derive value from their university experience.
- Ensure that the University’s provision for the student experience reflects the diversity of needs within the student population (e.g. overseas, part-time, mature, visiting and disabled students, BAME students, care leavers and students with children or caring responsibilities).
- Review and monitor the effectiveness of services and determine their priorities, in consultation with relevant senior managers.
- Consider the activities and plans of the SRC, GUU, QMU and GUSA as they support the student experience.
- Determine and monitor key measures of the student experience and oversee the development and implementation of plans to enhance student satisfaction
- Consider key trends in the external environment, and consider their implications for the student experience.
- Report to SMG, Senate and Court and make recommendations to other relevant bodies and committees, such as the Student Finance Committee, on matters relating to these terms of reference.