Academic Policy & Governance (APG) is a unit formed from the former Senate and Academic Collaboration Offices. (See APG Welcome page for further information.)
Senate is the senior academic body of the University. Legally and constitutionally it is responsible for the academic activity of the University - ie, teaching and research. Senate is also responsible for student conduct.
- Senate Members Discussion Forum
- Elected Academic Staff Members on Court
- Communications to University Court
- Standing Orders of Senate
- Council of Senate Statement on EU Referendum
- Appointment as a Professor Emeritus
Convener: Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli
Clerk: Ms Helen Butcher
Academic Standards Committee
Academic Standards Committee (ASC) assists the Education Policy & Strategy Committee (EdPSC) in its implementation of the University’s Learning & Teaching Strategy through assurance and enhancement of the quality of educational provision and through maintenance of standards. ASC reports to EdPSC, and also approves proposals for undergraduate and postgraduate taught degree programmes on behalf of EdPSC and Senate.
- Agenda and Minutes
- Committee dates and deadlines
- Committee remit and membership
- Reports on PSR to be received during 2024-25 and ASC Reviewers
Convener: Professor Neil Evans
Clerk: Ruth Cole
Reports to: Education Policy & Strategy Committee
Education Policy and Strategy Committee
The role of Education Policy and Strategy Committee (EdPSC) is to advise Senate on educational policy, strategy and resource issues in support of:
- the University’s Learning and Teaching Strategy
- assuring and enhancing the quality of the University’s educational provision
- maintaining academic standards.
Convener: Professor Moira Fischbacher-Smith
Clerk: Mhairi Evans
Reports to: Senate
Learning and Teaching Committee
It is the role of the Learning and Teaching Committee (LTC) to advise Education Policy and Strategy Committee on educational strategy and resource issues in relation to the development and enhancement of the University’s Learning and Teaching activities as detailed in the Learning and Teaching Strategy.
- Agenda and Minutes
- Committee dates and deadlines
- Committee remit and membership
- Note of LTC Away Day - 23 October 2019
- Presentation 1 - What Students Value in Higher Education
- Presentation 2 - Culture of Inclusion
- Presentation 3 - 2020-2025 Learning & Teaching Strategy: Starting the Conversation
- Presentation 4 - The Ed that comes before the Tech!
- Presentation 5 - L&T aspirations for technology enhanced learning and teaching
If you require to access papers from pre-2008:
Convener: Professor Wendy Anderson
Clerk: Catherine Omand
Reports to: Education Policy and Strategy Committee
Research Planning and Strategy Committee
The remit of the Research Planning and Strategy Committee (RPSC) focuses on research and knowledge exchange activity across the University as a whole. The Committee reports to Senate and SMG and meets approximately every two months. It is chaired by the Vice-Principal (Research & Knowledge Exchange).
The PGR Executive Committee is a sub-committee of RPSC.
Convener: Professor Chris Pearce
Clerk: Kerry Revel
Reports to: Senate
PGR Operations Committee
- Agenda, Minutes and Reports
- Committee dates and deadlines
- Committee remit and membership
Convener: Kiran Faisal
Clerk: Derek SimpsonReports to: PGR Executive Committee
Student Experience Committee
The Student Experience Committee (SEC) is jointly led by the University and the SRC to oversee non-academic aspects of student life. Co-convened by the President of the SRC and the University's Chief Operating Officer & Secretary of Court, the SEC will oversee implementation of a Student Experience Strategy and associated policies to provide all students with the opportunity to enjoy and derive value from their university experience. The work of the Committee will take into account the diverse needs within the student population, and will review and monitor the services provided by the University as well as the activities of the various student bodies.
- Agenda and Minutes
- Committee dates and deadlines
- Committee constitution and membership
- Terms of Reference
- Ways of Working
- Useful documents
Co-Conveners: Dr David Duncan and President of Students' Representative Council
Clerk: Rhona Gordon
Reports to: Senate and Court
University Ethics Committee
Details on the Ethics Committee can be found at