Academic Policy & Governance (APG) is a unit formed from the former Senate and Academic Collaboration Offices. (See APG Welcome page for further information.)
Quality Enhancement and Assurance
The University's arrangements for quality assurance and enhancement are described in the Academic Quality Framework. It explains what we do, why we do it and how it is done.
We believe that quality enhancement and assurance is a collective responsibility and that it is the professionalism and creativity of staff, individually and collectively, that makes the most vital contribution to the enhancement of provision, through their attention to their students’ experience as learners, to the development of their disciplines, and their engagement with their teaching practice.
Quick links
- Key contact: Jane McAllister
- Learning & Teaching Strategy 2021-25
- Learning & Teaching Strategy on a Page
External links

Academic Quality Framework
The AQF brings together comprehensive information about our quality processes for staff, students and external readers.

Support for Quality
Heads of Colleges, Deans (L&T) and Heads of Schools/Subject Areas provide leadership in these activities and are advised and guided by College and School Quality & Enhancement Officers.