
Statement on Alcohol, Drugs and Substance Misuse

41.1  Alcohol, drug or substance misuse is defined as the intermittent or continual use of alcohol or any drug or other substance which causes detriment to an individual's health, social functioning or work performance and which affects their efficiency, productivity, safety, attendance, punctuality or conduct. While the University recognises that such misuse is rare, it will not condone nor will it otherwise approve of excessive and inappropriate use of alcohol or the misuse of drugs either illicit or prescribed.

41.2  The University has a responsibility to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for all of its staff and students. This objective is put at risk by staff or students who misuse alcohol or other drugs. Students should be aware of the University's Code of Student Conduct and the University's Code of Behaviour for Students in Residences which may be applied to students as a result of alcohol, drug or substance misuse.

41.3  The University wishes to promote the health and well-being of its staff and students and to minimise problems arising from misuse of alcohol and drugs by encouraging safe and sensible drinking habits and a drug free lifestyle. The University will offer guidance and support and actively encourage members or employees known to have alcohol or drug related problems to seek appropriate help. However, the University will report to the Police all incidents involving the supply or taking of illegal drugs on its premises, as required by the Misuse of Drugs Act, 1971.

List of Agencies for Advice or Guidance

  • Own General Practitioner
  • Glasgow Council on Alcohol Tel: 0141 353 1800
  • National Drugs Helpline (talktofrank.com) Tel: 0300 123 6600

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