
Degree of Doctor of Music

The Degree of Doctor of Music is awarded under Resolution 43 of the University Court. The following are the relevant provisions of that Resolution.

In pursuance of the powers conferred under Section 3 of the Universities (Scotland) Act, 1966, the University Court hereby resolves as follows:

1.   The Degree of Doctor of Music (DMus) may be awarded by the University of Glasgow.

2.   The following categories of persons may be admitted as candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Music:

a)   A graduate of the University of Glasgow after the expiry of seven years from the date of their first graduation in the University of Glasgow.

b)   Any person who has held for a period or periods amounting in all to at least four years such office or offices in the University of Glasgow as the Senate may approve; provided either that they are a graduate of not less than seven years’ standing of a University likewise approved or that they have held for not less than seven years some other qualification specially recognised by the Senate as equivalent for this purpose.

3.   The Degree shall be given in two areas and candidates may present themselves in not more than one of these areas at any one time. The areas shall be those of:

a)   Musical Composition;

b)   Musicology.

4.   Before acceptance of their candidature, applicants must provide the College Secretary with a list of the publications comprising the appli­cation for the Degree. The College Higher Degrees Committee (or equivalent) will establish a sub-committee to determine whether a prima facie case for DMus candidature has been established. The sub-committee may decline to proceed to examination of the candidate if, in its opinion, the publi­cations submitted are not of sufficient substance for a DMus application. In respect of this procedure a precognition fee will be charged to be deducted in due course from the submission fee if the candidate is examined.

5.   All candidates for the Degree shall submit work in Musical Composition or in Musicology.

6.   Composers

Work submitted in musical composition shall be accompanied by a dec­laration signed by the candidate that it has been composed by themself and identifying any work which has been, or is about to be submitted for any other Higher Degree or Diploma in the University of Glasgow or for a Higher Degree or Diploma in another Institution: such work shall not be assessed for the award of the Degree of DMus in the University of Glasgow.

If such work has not already been published in full, then, before being submitted, it shall have been published so far and in such manner as the Senatus Academicus accepts as reasonable in the circumstances.

No person will be accepted as a candidate more than twice and no can­didate may apply for re-examination until five years have elapsed from the original date of submission.

7.   Musicologists

Work submitted in musicology shall be accompanied by a declaration signed by the candidate that they are the author of it and identifying any work which has been, or is about to be submitted for any other Higher Degree or Diploma in the University of Glasgow or for a Higher Degree or Diploma in another Institution: such work shall not be assessed for the award of the Degree of DMus in the University of Glasgow.

The work submitted, or a major part of it, shall have been published either as a book or books or in periodicals of recognised standing, and shall be presented in such manner as the Senate may by regulation prescribe.

No person will be accepted as a candidate more than twice and no candidate may apply for re-examination until five years have elapsed from the original date of submission.

8.   The Senate shall appoint such Professors, Readers or Lecturers in the University as it may think suitable to examine the work or works submitted by a candidate for the Degree and the University Court, shall, after consultation with the Senatus Academicus, appoint an additional examiner or examiners to act along with them. Such additional examiner or examiners shall be of recognised eminence in the subject of the work or works presented by the candidate. The candidate shall be awarded the Degree only if in the opinion of the Senate, on the recommendation of these examiners, the body of work shall be held to constitute an original and substantial contribution to music or to musical knowledge.

9.   A candidate must submit the work in an appropriate format. The work submitted should normally be in English. The submitted work, if approved for the Degree, shall become the property of the University and shall be deposited in the University Library.

10.   The Senate shall have power to make such additional regulations govern­ing the conferment of the Degree as may be approved by the University Court.

11.   The Degree shall not be conferred upon a person who has not satisfied the conditions herein before set forth, provided always that the Senate may, at its discretion, permit a candidate to offer themself for the Degree under the regulations previously in force during a period not exceeding five years from the date on which this Resolution shall come into operation; and provided always that it shall be in the power of the Senate to confer the Degree honoris causa under such regulations as may be made by the Senate with the approval of the University Court.

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