
Degree of Bachelor of Music


The Degree of Bachelor of Music is governed by Resolutions of the University Court. The provisions of Resolution No. 582 supporting the Generic Undergraduate Regulations are set out with those Regulations. The provisions of Resolution No. 584 are as follows:

1.   The Degree of Bachelor of Music (BMus) may be awarded by the Senate of the University of Glasgow in the College of Arts & Humanities (the College) as a General Degree and as a Degree with Honours, in such designations as may be prescribed by Regulations.

2.   The award of the Degree shall be governed by Resolution No. 582 - “Generic Regulations for the award of Degrees gained by the successful completion of Undergraduate Programmes” together with such Supplementary Regulations as are contained in this Resolution No. 584 - “Degree of Bachelor of Music”. The Supplementary Regulations are set out in the Schedule of Regulations attached to this Resolution.

3.   The Degree shall not be conferred upon persons who have not satisfied the terms of these Regulations, and shall not be conferred honoris causa except in the conditions contained in Ordinance of the University Court No. 109 (Glasgow No. 28).

4.   The early exit awards of Diploma of Higher Education and Certificate of Higher Education are also included in the Regulations.


1.   Maximum Period of Study

The maximum period of study is normally four sessions for the general degree and six sessions for the degree with Honours.

2.   Progress

Generic Undergraduate Regulations §10 and §11 apply with the following additional requirements:

2.1   The minimum requirements for progress to a succeeding year of study are:

After one session: The candidate must have obtained a grade D3 or above in 120 credits from qualifying courses.
After two sessions: The candidate must have obtained a grade D3 or above in 240 credits from qualifying courses.
After three sessions: The candidate must have obtained a grade D3 or above in 360 credits from qualifying courses. If a candidate does not meet the minimum requirements for progress to Year 4 of the BMus (Hons) Degree, then they may be eligible to graduate with a general BMus Degree, provided that they have fulfilled the requirements for that Degree.

2.2   A candidate who fails to satisfy the progress regulations will not be permitted to take more than 120 credits in any following session, or to repeat a year, without the approval of the Chief Adviser in Arts.

2.3   A candidate who has met the conditions for progress after three sessions is guaranteed entry to the final year of the Honours programme. Any other candidate may be offered entry to Honours if, in the judgement of the Head of Subject, their performance offers a reasonable prospect of them achieving the standard required in the Honours programme.

3.   Courses Available to Candidates

The courses available to candidates, including those designated as compulsory core courses and are set out in the programme specification.

4.   Programme Requirements for the Award of the Degree

4.1   Degree of BMus General

The following requirement applies in addition to those set out in Generic Undergraduate Regulation §14:

The candidate must include within the required 360 credits:

a)   160 credits of compulsory core courses; and

b)   200 credits of further courses of which up to 40 credits may be taken outwith Music.

4.2   Degree of BMus with Honours

The following requirement applies in addition to those set out in Generic Undergraduate Regulation §16:

The candidate must include within the required 480 credits:

a)   200 credits of compulsory core courses; and

b)   280 credits of further courses of which up to 60 credits may be taken outwith Music.

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