
Degree of Master of Research


The Degree of Master of Research is governed by Resolution No. 557 of the University Court, the provisions of which are as follows:

1.   The Degree of Master of Research (MRes) may be awarded by the University of Glasgow in the Colleges of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences and Science & Engineering.

2.   The Senate may make regulations, which are subject to the approval of the University Court, governing the award of the Degree – these are set out in the section entitled ‘Regulations’.

3.   The examiners for the Degree shall be such Professors and Lecturers in the University of Glasgow and, if appropriate, a full-time member of staff of a recognised institution as the Senate shall designate, together with such External Examiners as the University Court, on the recommendation of the Senate, shall appoint.

4.   The early exit awards of Postgraduate Diploma of Research and Postgraduate Certificate are included in the Regulations.


1.   Before being admitted to study qualifying for the Degree of Master of Research, every candidate must satisfy the following conditions, namely:

a)   i)    they must have obtained a Degree in a University or College recognised for this purpose by the University Court on the recommendation of the Senate, or

ii)   they must have obtained such other qualifications as may be recognised for this purpose by the University Court on the recommendation of the Senate; and

b)   they must have fulfilled such other entrance requirements as may be specified for a particular course of study or research;

c)   they must have satisfied the Senate of their fitness to undertake advanced research or study.

2.   Candidates may be permitted to pursue a course of prescribed study or research on either a full-time or a part-time basis. The minimum period of study or research for each candidate shall be determined by the appropriate College at the time of their admission, according to their qualifications and other relevant factors and shall normally be

a)   for full-time candidates, either 12 months or two academic years of full-time study or research;

b)   for part-time candidates, either two or three academic years of part-time study or research.

3.   The Senate may for special reasons permit a candidate, whether full-time or part-time, to prosecute part of their studies elsewhere, in another institution recognised for the purpose by the University Court on the recommendation of the Senate.

4.   The College concerned shall designate for each candidate a supervisor who shall report at least once in the year to the College on the progress of the Candidate.

5.   Each candidate shall present themself for written examination and shall submit written reports or other work, as prescribed in each syllabus. They may also be required to take an oral or practical examination or both. Performance in work assessed during the course may be taken into account in determining the award of the Degree.

6.   The examiners may recommend the Degree be awarded with Merit or Distinction.

7.   A candidate who fails to satisfy the examiners for the Degree may be permitted by the examiners to present themself for re-examination, on one occasion only and normally not later than two years from the date of his or her first (final) examination, in the whole of the examination, or in a specific component of the examination, as the examiners may determine in each case; and in such cases the examiners shall prescribe whether the candidate shall be required to re-attend the whole course or specific parts of the course, or whether they may be permitted to present themself for re-examination without further attendance on the course. An examination may be made up of components such as examination papers, submitted essays, dissertations, laboratory reports, project reports and field reports.

8.   The examiners shall have discretion to recommend the award of a Postgraduate Diploma of Research in the appropriate subject area to a candidate who has gained a minimum of 120 credits, or the award of a Postgraduate Certificate to a candidate who has gained a minimum of 60 credits from taught courses.

9.   Details of the grading scheme, the requirements for the award of the Degree, the Postgraduate Diploma and the Postgraduate Certificate, and the criteria for the award of Merit and Distinction are contained in the programme documentation.

10.   a)   A list of institutions, approved by the relevant College Committee, where candidates may undertake external research projects, is held by the College Graduate Schools and by Research, Strategy & Innovation Office.

b)  On the recommendation of the College concerned, and of the Senate, the University Court may recognise, in the case of individual candi­dates, other appropriate institutions for the purpose of §3 of these Regulations, where satisfactory arrangements can be made for the supervision of the candidate.

c)   A full-time member of staff of a recognised institution may be nominated to Senate either as a supervisor or as an internal examiner or a member of an examination committee. In such cases, a member of staff from an appropriate subject area in the University shall be appointed in addition.

Schedule A

1. Subjects in which the MRes may be offered are listed below.

College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences

Biomedical Sciences

Biomedical Sciences (Biotechnology)

Biomedical Sciences (Cancer Studies)

Biomedical Sciences (Cardiovascular Studies)

Biomedical Sciences (Cell Engineering)

Biomedical Sciences (Medical Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)

Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Genetics)

Biomedical Sciences (Neuroscience)

Ecology & Environmental Biology

Translational Medicine

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