
Principal Committees of the University

University Court

The Court has ultimate responsibility for the deployment of resources in the University and for the strategic plans of the institution. It also has a monitoring role in relation to the overall performance of the University. It is responsible for the well-being of staff and, with the Senate, for students. The Rector is, ex-officio, the President of the University Court. The Convener of Court, a lay member of Court appointed through an open recruitment process, chairs Court meetings not chaired by the Rector. The full membership of Court can be found here.

Committees reporting to Court


The Senate is charged with the regulation and superintendence of the teaching and the discipline of the University and the promotion of research. Senate is convened by The Principal.

Committees reporting to Senate




Academic Dress Committee

Clerk of Senate or their nominee

Ceremonial dress

Education Policy & Strategy Committee[1]

Professor Moira Fischbacher-Smith

Review, development and promotion of the University's Learning & Teaching Strategy

-- Academic Standards Committee

Professor Neil Evans

Academic regulations and quality assurance matters

-- Learning & Teaching Committee

Professor Wendy Anderson

Development and enhancement of provision of learning opportunities for students

Honorary Degrees Committee

The Principal

Nominations for the conferment of Honorary Degrees

Library Committee[1]

Professor Martin Hendry

Application of Library funds and review of Library policy, strategy and performance

Research Planning & Strategy Committee[1]

Professor Chris Pearce

Definition, promotion and implementation of the University's Research Strategy

-- PGR Executive Group

Professor Chris Pearce

Defining and implementing the University’s PGR Strategy and matters relating to PGR provision

Senate Appeals Committee

Dr Maureen Farrell[2]

Academic appeals from students

Senate Business Committee

The Principal

Agenda of Senate meetings

Senate Student Conduct Committee

The Principal[3]

Conduct and disciplinary cases against students

[1] Matters requiring Court attention will be brought to Court through the Senate report.

[2] Professor Scott Roy from 1 September 2023.

[3] Convenership is delegated to Vice Principals and the following nominees: Professor Michele Burman, Professor Janeen Carruthers, Professor Stephen Clark, Professor Carl Goodyear and Professor Karen Lury.