
Use of Dictionaries by Students in Examinations

19.1  Heads of School or their nominee (hereinafter referred to as Head(s) of School) may, at their discretion, permit students whose first language is not English to employ an appropriate translation dictionary in a class or in-person degree examination. Such permission should not be granted where the first language, or its literature, is the subject under examination. In accordance with §20.1 electronic dictionaries are not permitted in examinations.

19.2  Heads of School should keep a record of all cases where permission has been granted, and deliver that information to the appropriate invigi­lator(s).

19.3  Dictionaries to be authorised for use in an examination should be lodged by the student with the Head of School at least 24 hours prior to the start of the examination. Following inspection by the School, the authorised dictionaries should be handed to the student(s) by the invigilator at the start of the examination.[1]

[1] Alternative arrangements may be made, with the agreement with the Clerk of Senate, in cases where more than 25 students require use of a dictionary during an examination. In this case, students must complete and return a declaration form confirming they have read the rules relating to dictionaries and that their dictionary is of an approved type and free of any annotations.

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