
Degree of Master of Philosophy


The Degree of Master of Philosophy is governed by Resolution No. 575 of the University Court, the provisions of which are as follows:

1.   The Degree of Master of Philosophy (MPhil) may be awarded by the University of Glasgow in each of the Colleges.

2.   a)   A candidate for the Degree may undertake research in accordance with the provisions of Schedule B or Schedule C as set out in the Regulations.[1] Such study shall be prosecuted in the University of Glasgow or The Glasgow School of Art or in another institution recognised for the purposes of study and research.

b)   Colleges and Graduate Schools may allow the candidate’s research to be conducted in an institution external to the University of Glasgow. The choice of such an institution will be determined ad hoc and only where there exists clear alignment of the candidate’s proposed research with the aims and objectives of the institution proposed, and where the institution can demonstrate ability to provide an appropriate level of supervision of the candidate. A full-time member of staff of a recognised institution may be nomi­nated to Senate either as a supervisor or as an internal examiner although such an individual may not be nominated as an examiner if they have previously supervised the candidate's work. In cases where an employee of the institution acts as supervisor or internal examiner, a member of staff from an appropriate subject area in the University will also be appointed.

3.   Every candidate for the Degree, before being admitted to a programme of research qualifying therefore, (a) must have obtained a Degree in any Institution of Higher Education specially recognised for this purpose by the University Court on the recommendation of the Senate, provided always that a diploma or a certificate recognised in like manner as equivalent to a Degree may be accepted in place of a Degree and (b) must have satisfied the Senate of their fitness to undertake advanced study.

4.   A candidate who is a full-time student shall follow a programme of study by research in the University or another Institution recognised for the purpose:

a)   in the College of Arts, the College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences and the College of Social Sciences, for 12 months, and

b)   in the College of Science & Engineering, for 24 months.

The period of study for a candidate who is a part-time student shall be at least one year longer than that prescribed for full-time students.

These provisions notwithstanding, the Collegesmay on special cause shown extend the prescribed period of study for any full-time candidate by not more than one year.

5.   The College shall designate a Professor or Lecturer in the University to supervise the study of each candidate. The supervisor shall report at appropriate intervals as determined by the College on the progress of the candidate.

6.   On the conclusion of their period of study each candidate shall present for such written examination as may be prescribed by the Senate and may be required to submit a dissertation. The candidate may also be required to undergo oral and/or practical examination.

7.   The examiners for the Degree shall be such Professors and Lecturers in the University as the Senateshall designate and such additional ex­aminers as the University Court, on the recommendation of the Senate shall appoint.

8.   The Degree shall in no case be conferred on persons who have not satisfied the conditions hereinbefore set forth and shall not be conferred as an Honorary degreeexcept on the conditions contained in Ordinance of the University Court No. 109, Glasgow No. 28.

9.   The regulations for the Degree shall be as stated in the Schedules hereto.

Schedule C[2] - Master of Philosophy by Research at The Glasgow School of Art

1.   Admission to study for the Degree will normally be granted from the beginning of the academic year.

2.   In The Glasgow School of Art the normal standard of admission will be that of a Degree with First or Upper Second Class Honours but another qualification, being a qualification approved by the University Court as provided in Section 2 of the Resolution, may be accepted by The Glasgow School of Art as being suitable for the programme of research which it is proposed that the applicant should follow.

3.   The minimum period of prescribed research for the Degree shall be one year of full-time study or two years of part-time study.

4.   The progress of each research student shall be overseen by a Supervisory Team, appointed for that student, and by the Research Degrees Sub-Committee of the Research & Enterprise Committee of The Glasgow School of Art (hereinafter referred to as the RDSC). A student can enrol only with their Primary Supervisor. If it is not apparent at the commencement of studies the context of the particular nature of, or specialism, required for the supplementary supervision of a student’s study, the rest of the student’s Supervisory Team may be considered at a later stage. A second supervisor(s) should be approved by the RDSC or its Convener no later than three months from the commencement of studies.

5.   The Supervisory Team must meet with the research student at regular intervals. A meeting of the research student and the full Supervisory Team (including PhD Coordinator and/or Academic Coordinator) will take place not less than every six months. Meetings between the research student and individual supervisors will take place regularly. Once a term, the Primary Supervisor and Co-Supervisors should meet the student together. The Supervisory Team shall be comprised of the following:

  • A Primary Supervisor (main subject domain), who shall be the main supervisor and a member of the academic staff at The Glasgow School of Art, and shall be competent to supervise postgraduate research degrees.
  • One or two co-supervisor(s) as may be appointed by the RDSC. The co-supervisor may normally be a member of the academic staff at The Glasgow School of Art, or may be external to the School if their particular expertise is relevant to the programme of research being proposed and/or undertaken. The co-supervisor shall be competent to supervise postgraduate research degrees.

In addition to the core Supervisory Team, the local PhD Coordinator will support the student and the Supervisory Team in relation to procedures. The Head of Doctoral Studies will provide key overview, in particular with regard to funding, training and regulations.

The Supervisory Team shall be responsible to the RDSC, to which it shall report annually. The RDSC shall be responsible to the Academic Council of The Glasgow School of Art for the progress of all research students. The Academic Council shall be responsible to the University Senate.

Candidates must be available for regular supervision by their supervisor(s) unless given permission otherwise by the RDSC.

Candidates on a part-time basis must be available for regular supervision throughout their period of study unless given permission otherwise by the RDSC.

6.   A candidate must submit for examination within six months of the conclusion of the statutory period of full-time or part-time study specified by the regulation. In exceptional circumstances, and on submission of stated case, an extension of six months may be approved by the RDSC.

7.   On completion of the research, the candidate shall present a research project or a thesis as outlined below, embodying the results of the work for examination for the degree. The candidate must expect to attend an oral examination. 

The Research Project and the Thesis

(Entrants prior to session 2013-14 should consult the regulations published in the University Regulations for their year of entry.)

8.   a)   All candidates for the Degree of Master of Philosophy shall present for the approval of the Senate either a research project (portfolio with extended written text) or a full written thesis which shall embody the results of the candidate’s special study or research. Included in either the extended written text or the full thesis must be a written abstract of 250 – 500 words. This must be an adequate and informative summary of the work suitable for publication by The Glasgow School of Art. The research project or the full thesis shall be accompanied by a declaration signed by the candidate that the research project or thesis has been composed by themself. Any written extended text, supporting documentation or thesis must be written in English.

Within these regulations, the term portfolio shall be taken to mean a body of original work, comprising one or a number of items, in fine art, craft, design or architecture. The body of work may be presented in material or virtual reality. The work may take the form of objects, images, environments, architectural structures, performances, texts, virtual or conceptual works, software or designs for any of these, or any comparable form. The portfolio may include work of an interdisciplinary character when the predominant discipline is fine art, craft, design or architecture.

The body of original work shall be documented by photographic or other visual process together with any necessary textual material, including labels or notes of explanation written in English. The documentation must be in permanent form. The documentation shall be to a standard whereby a future researcher may recognise the research represented or embodied within the portfolio, as determined by the Examiners. The documentation shall include references, a bibliography and notes in which the candidate must state the sources from which their information is derived, the extent to which they have availed themself of the work of others, and the portions of the portfolio and any accompanying written thesis which they claim as original.

The documentation, the research project and the full thesis shall become the property of The Glasgow School of Art and shall be lodged in the Library of The Glasgow School of Art.

A research student may submit their work within one of the following categories: MPhil by Research Project or MPhil by Thesis. An initial proposal of a category should be made by the student within their application for registration. A final proposal of category should be agreed by the student and the Supervisory Team and submitted to the RDSC for approval prior to the examination. If the category of research project has been approved, the content of the portfolio and the arrangements for its exhibition shall be subject to the agreement of the Supervisory Team.

b)   MPhil by Research Project

A candidate may submit for examination a portfolio together with an extended written text which, together but not necessarily separately, represent or embody new knowledge. An extended text shall normally consist of 7,000 – 16,000 words excluding references, bibliography and appendices. A candidate who wishes to submit an extended text of lesser or greater length must seek prior permission from the RDSC.

c)   MPhil by Thesis

A candidate must submit a thesis which shall embody the results of the candidate’s special study or research.

The thesis shall be a minimum of 30,000 and a maximum of 40,000 words including references, bibliography and appendices in each case. A candidate who wishes to submit a thesis of greater or lesser length must seek prior permission from the RDSC.

9.   The research project or full thesis shall be examined by a team of Examiners, including at least one internal examiner and one external examiner appointed by the Research & Enterprise Committee on the recommendation of the RDSC.

10.   All candidates must normally undergo core research training before submitting their research project or thesis for examination.

11.   A candidate must submit one printed copy and one digital copy of the full thesis or extended written text accompanied by a declaration that the research has been carried out and the work completed by the candidate, and that the work has not been accepted in fulfilment of the requirements of any other degree or professional qualification. The layout and binding of the printed copy should generally conform to the British Standard Institution’s Recommendations for the presentation of theses (BS4821:1990), a copy of which is available in the Library. The digital copy should be formatted according to recommendations made available through the GSA Library website. In addition a candidate for the MPhil by Research Project must submit one copy of the documentation of their portfolio in either print or digital form. An MPhil by Thesis candidate who chooses to submit a portfolio alongside their thesis must also submit one copy of the documentation of their portfolio in either print or digital form. If the Degree is awarded, both print and digital copies of the thesis or extended written work and the copy of the documentation of portfolio shall become the property of The Glasgow School of Art and be deposited in the Library.

12.   If the Examiners consider that the research project or thesis has not achieved the standard required for the award of the Degree, they may recommend to the RDSC that the candidate be permitted to revise the thesis and resubmit it, on one occasion only, for the Degree under such conditions as the Examiners may prescribe in each particular case.

13.   Alternatively, if the Examiners consider that the submission has not achieved the standard required for the award of the Degree of MPhil, but is of sufficient merit, they may recommend the candidate revise and resubmit the work for consideration for the Degree of MRes.

[1] Schedule A, pertaining to the award of the Degree following a prescribed course of study, has been deleted from the Regulations.

[2] Schedules A and B of this regulation do not apply to The Glasgow School of Art.

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