
Generic Regulations for Taught Masters Degrees at The Glasgow School of Art

The Masters Degrees listed in §11, §12 and §13 are governed by Resolution No. 561 of the University Court, the provisions of which are as follows.

1.    The Masters Degrees listed in §11, §12 and §13 may be awarded by the University of Glasgow at The Glasgow School of Art.

2.    The Senate may make Regulations, which are subject to the approval of the University Court, governing the award of the Degrees - these are set out in the section entitled 'Regulations'.

3.    The Senate recognises The Glasgow School of Art, through its Academic Council, as being corporately responsible for the administration and development of the courses leading to the Degrees listed in §11, §12 and §13.

4.    It shall be the duty of the Academic Council of The Glasgow School of Art to consider annually the curriculum for the Degrees and such other matters, including the admission and progress of students, as may be remitted to it by the Senate and to report to the Senate thereon. It shall be competent for the Academic Council to make recommendations to the Senate, with regard to the appointment of Examiners for the Degrees.

5.    It shall be competent for the University Court, on the recommendation of the Senate, to recognise as teachers of the University for the purpose of the Degrees, such lecturers and other officers of The Glasgow School of Art having responsibility for courses qualifying for the Degrees, as may be proposed for such recognition by the Academic Council.

6.    The Senate may appoint as an Examiner for the Degrees, but not as an External Examiner, any teacher recognised in accordance with §5.

7.    The External Examiners for the Degrees shall be appointed by the Academic Council of The Glasgow School of Art. Where a programme is delivered jointly with the University of Glasgow, the External Examiners for the Degrees shall be appointed by the University Court on the recommendation of the Academic Council and the Senate.


A student admitted onto a programme leading to an award must follow the instructions issued by the relevant Department or equivalent and be aware of the content of the Programme Specification which will contain further details on the Programme including, in some cases, further requirements associated with the award.

1.   Application of Regulations

1.1   These regulations apply without modification to the Degrees listed in §11.

1.2   These regulations apply also to the Degrees listed in §12 subject to alternative requirements described in the relevant Programme Specification. The requirements for these Degrees may vary only in respect of duration of study (§3), programme components (§4), progress (§7) or reassessment (§8) to reflect the requirements of professional or statutory bodies.

1.3   These regulations apply also to the Degrees listed in §13 subject to alternative provision for requirements for the award (§9) set out in §13.

2.   Admission

Before being considered for admission to study for an award to which these Regulations apply, a candidate must normally have obtained either a degree from a recognised University or an equivalent qualification to the satisfaction and approval of the Academic Council of The Glasgow School of Art.[1]

3.   Duration of Study

The minimum period of study for the award of a Masters Degree is 12 calendar months. The maximum period for full-time study is 24 calendar months of registered study. The Academic Council of The Glasgow School of Art may recognise attendance given and examinations passed in another institution. The maximum period within which all candidates must complete the programme is five years from the date of initial registration.[2]

4.   Programme Components

4.1   In order to qualify for an award in respect of the programmes specified in §11, §12 and §13, a candidate must complete minimum credits[3] as follows:

i)    For the award of a Masters Degree: 180 credits, which includes both taught courses and a 60 credit (or more) dissertation or other substantial independent work, as described in the respective Programme Specification.

ii)   For the award of a Postgraduate Diploma: 120 credits of taught courses.

iii)  For the award of a Postgraduate Certificate: 60 credits of taught courses.

4.2   The taught courses will normally be undertaken during the academic session (September - June) and are specified in the relevant Programme Specification. The length and nature of the dissertation or other substantial independent work is as specified in the relevant Programme Specification.

5.   Minimum Requirement for the Award of Credits

The minimum requirement for the award of credits for a component of the programme shall be specified by the Department or equivalent concerned, and given to candidates in writing at the beginning of the programme component. This requirement shall normally include a specified minimum level of compliance with instructions in terms of attendance and completion of work, and a specified minimum level of performance in assessed work. Normally no grade or credits shall be awarded to a candidate who has not met these requirements.

6.   Assessment

6.1   Regulations for assessment are, insofar as not modified by these regulations, governed by the GSA’s Code of Assessment.

6.2   Courses for which the candidate has registered must be counted towards the calculation of the candidate’s grade point average for the purposes of §7, §9 and §10[4] unless other provision is justified by good cause circumstances affecting the candidate. 

This regulation applies where course registration continues:

a)   on the date on which the first summative assessment for that course is to be submitted; or

b)   on such other date as may be specified in the course document for that course.

7.   Candidates for a Masters Degree: Progress

7.1   A candidate will be permitted to progress to preparation of the dissertation, or other substantial independent work required by the degree, only if they have obtained a grade point average[5] of 12.0 or above in the taught courses described in §4 with at least 75% of the credits at grade D3 or above and all credits at grade F3 or above. The Programme Specification may specify a course or courses in respect of which a specific grade is a minimum requirement of progression. Exceptionally, a candidate may be permitted to progress to the dissertation or other substantial independent work where it is judged[6] that the candidate’s performance offers a reasonable prospect of that candidate’s reaching the standard required for the award of the Masters degree following any outstanding assessment opportunities (including reassessment and remedying incomplete assessment due to Good Cause).

7.2   A candidate who has commenced study midway through an academic session will be permitted to progress to preparation of the dissertation, or other substantial independent work, only if they have obtained a grade point average of 12.0 or above in the taught courses assessed by the end of the session in which study was commenced, with at least 75% of the credits at grade D3 or above and all credits at grade F3 or above. The Programme Specification may specify a course or courses in respect of which a specific grade is a minimum requirement of progression. Exceptionally, a candidate may be permitted to progress to the dissertation or other substantial independent work where it is judged13 that the candidate’s performance offers a reasonable prospect of that candidate’s reaching the standard required for the award of the Masters degree following any outstanding assessment opportunities (including reassessment and remedying incomplete assessment due to Good Cause).

7.3   A candidate may be required to commence work on the dissertation or other substantial independent work before the assessment of the taught courses referred to in §4 has been completed. Such a requirement shall not indicate that the candidate has satisfied the requirements for award in relation to the taught courses. In the event that subsequently, after all opportunities at assessment have been exhausted, the candidate fails to reach the standard required on the taught courses for the award of the degree referred to at §9.1, the candidate will not be eligible for the award of the Masters degree, and the following will apply:

  • If the dissertation or other substantial independent work has been submitted, it will be marked and a grade published.
  • If the dissertation or other substantial independent work has not been submitted but is substantially complete and no further supervisory input is required, the candidate may submit the work by the published deadline. The work will be marked and a grade published.
  • If the dissertation or other substantial independent work is not substantially complete or requires further supervisory input, the work should be discontinued and no submission made. No grade will be published for the candidate.

8.   Reassessment

8.1   A candidate will be permitted reassessment in any taught course, for which they have obtained grade D1 or below. A candidate will be entitled to one reassessment only in any course and the timing and nature of the reassessment will be as specified in the Programme Specification.

8.2   Reassessment of the dissertation or other substantial independent work will be permitted on one occasion only, under such conditions as the Examiners may prescribe in each particular case. Normally, resubmission should be no later than three months after the date of the meeting of the GSA Final Examination Board.

There is no automatic entitlement to repeat any previous practical work associated with the dissertation or substantial independent work or to undertake further practical work.

8.3   The Programme Specification may specify more stringent criteria for reassessment on the basis of requirements of external bodies.

8.4   All reassessment results will be capped at grade C3[7].

9.   Requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree and Rules for Award of Distinction and Merit

9.1   A candidate will be eligible for the award of the degree on obtaining a grade D3 or above in the dissertation or other substantial independent work.

9.2   A candidate who has achieved at the first attempt a grade B3 or above for the dissertation or other substantial independent work will be eligible for the award with Merit.

9.3   A candidate who has achieved at the first attempt a grade A5 or above for the dissertation or other substantial independent work will be eligible for the award with Distinction.

10.   Requirements for the Award of a Postgraduate Diploma or Postgraduate Certificate and Rules for Award of Distinction and Merit

10.1 The requirement for the award of a Postgraduate Diploma is a grade point average[5] of 9.0 in 120 credits, with not less than 80 of these credits at grade D3 or above. A candidate who has achieved at the first attempt a grade point average of 15.0 or above for the taught courses will be eligible for the award with Merit. A candidate who has achieved at the first attempt a grade point average of 18.0 or above for the taught courses will be eligible for the award with Distinction.

10.2 The requirement for the award of a Postgraduate Certificate is a grade point average of 9.0 in 60 credits, with not less than 40 of these credits at grade D3 or above. A candidate who has achieved at the first attempt a grade point average of 15.0 or above for the taught courses will be eligible for the award with Merit. A candidate who has achieved at the first attempt a grade point average of 18.0 or above for the taught courses will be eligible for the award with Distinction.

11.   Degrees[8] to which these Regulations Apply

The following Degrees are governed by the above regulations:

Master of Design (MDes) Design Innovation & Citizenship

Master of Design (MDes) Design Innovation & Collaborative Creativity

Master of Design (MDes) Design Innovation & Environmental Design

Master of Design (MDes) Design Innovation & Interaction Design

Master of Design (MDes) Design Innovation & Service Design

Master of Design (MDes) Fashion & Textiles

Master of Design (MDes) Graphic Design

Master of Design (MDes) Illustration

Master of Design (MDes) Interior Design

Master of Design (MDes) Photography

Master of Design (MDes) Sound for the Moving Image

Master of Education (MEd) Learning, Teaching & Supervisory Practices in the Creative Disciplines

Master of Letters (MLitt) Art Writing

Master of Letters (MLitt) Curatorial Practice (Contemporary Art)[9]

Master of Letters (MLitt) Fine Art Practice

12.   Degrees[8] which Include Variations to Regulations 3, 4, 7 and 8

The following Degrees are governed substantially by the above regulations. The requirements for these Degrees may vary in respect of duration of study (§3), programme components (§4), progress (§7) or reassessment (§8) and such variations will be described in the Programme Specification:

Master of Design (MDes) Communication Design

Master of Fine Art (MFA)

13.   Degrees[8] which Include Variations to Regulation 9

The following Degrees are governed by the above regulations with the exception of §9.

Master of Architectural Studies

Master of Science (MSc) Heritage Visualisation

Master of Science (MSc) Medical Visualisation & Human Anatomy[10]

Master of Science (MSc) Serious Games & Virtual Reality

The provisions of §9 are replaced by:

9.   Requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree and Rules for Award of Distinction and Merit

9.1   A candidate will be eligible for the award of the degree on obtaining a grade point average[5] of 12.0 or above in the taught courses described in §4, with at least 75% of these credits at grade D3 or above, and all credits at grade F or above, and obtaining grade D3 or above in the dissertation or other substantial independent work.

9.2   A candidate will be eligible for the award of Merit on achieving at the first attempt:

a)   a grade point average of 15.0 or above in the 180 or more credits completed on the programme; and

b)   a grade point average of at least 14.0 in the taught courses; and

c)   a grade of at least C1 in the dissertation or other substantial independent work.

9.3   Where a candidate has satisfied the requirements set out in §9.2(b) and (c), and their grade point average for the 180 or more credits completed on the programme at the first attempt falls within the range 14.1 and 14.9 the Board of Examiners shall have discretion to make the award with Merit.

9.4   A candidate will be eligible for the award of Distinction on achieving at the first attempt:

a)   a grade point average of 18.0 or above in the 180 or more credits completed on the programme; and

b)   a grade point average of at least 17.0 in the taught courses; and

c)   a grade of at least B1 in the dissertation or other substantial independent work.

9.5   Where a candidate has satisfied the requirement set out in §9.4(b) and (c), and their grade point average for the 180 or more credits completed on the programme at the first attempt falls within the rarnge 17.1 and 17.9 the Board of Examiners shall have discretion to make the award with Distinction.

[1] A candidate is not normally permitted to register for a degree on a second occasion and would only be permitted to do so in instances where the first experience of the programme has been significantly compromised by adverse circumstances.

[2]  Where a candidate has progressed to study under §9 of the Generic Regulations for Postgraduate Certificates that candidate’s duration of study for the Masters degree shall be counted as the period since first registration for the Postgraduate Certificate.

[3] In compliance with the Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework a minimum component of the total credit must be gained from Masters level courses (Level M/SCQF Level 11) as follows: 150 credits for a Masters Degree, 90 credits for a Postgraduate Diploma, 40 credits for a Postgraduate Certificate. 

[4] Except for §10.2 where only 60 credits will be counted in the calculation of the grade point average for a Postgraduate Certificate, and any excess credit will be discarded in such a way as to maximise the grade point average while meeting all other requirements of the regulations.

[5] The grade point average is determined with reference to the schedule of grades and grade points contained in Schedule A of the GSA’s Code of Assessment. The grade point average is calculated by taking the product of each course’s weight and the candidate’s grade points and dividing the sum of these products by the sum of the courses’ weights. The weights shall correspond to the courses’ credit ratings unless specified otherwise in the relevant programme documentation. The grade point average is expressed to one decimal place (§7.4(a) of the GSA’s Code of Assessment). In determining whether a candidate has satisfied requirements in relation to progress and award, no further rounding is permitted. For example, a grade point average of 11.9 would not satisfy a requirement for a grade point average of 12.0.

[6] This judgment is normally made by the GSA Final Examination Board or in cases where there is no scheduled meeting, the Convener of the GSA Final Examination Board.

[7] It is necessary to define the secondary band at the lowest point for C (i.e. C3) in the capping process for resits in order to prevent students achieving a C2 or C3 at the first sitting being disadvantaged against students gaining higher results at resit  (i.e. C1 or C2).

[8] Each of these degree programmes also offer awards of Postgraduate Diploma and Postgraduate Certificate with the same title (see §10).

[9] Delivered in conjunction with the University of Glasgow.