
Certificate of Higher Education (Medical School Glasgow Access Programme)


1.   General

a)   Certificates of Higher Education may be awarded by the University of Glasgow (the University) in the College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences (MVLS).

b)   Applicants will be admitted to the Glasgow Access Programme leading to the award of a Certificate of Higher Education Medical School Glasgow Access Programme (GAP). The GAP programme is funded by the Scottish Government as part of the national widening participating directive, and applicants are required to be identified within the relevant specified categories.

c)   In accordance with the published academic requirements of the GAP programme, a candidate who has qualified for the award of the Certificate of Higher Education (GAP) may apply to the College of MVLS for admission to a programme of study leading to a higher level award and, if admitted, the candidate may have some or all of their credits from the Certificate of Higher Education (GAP) recognised towards the higher level award. No Certificate of Higher Education (GAP) credits may be carried into the MBChB programme.

2.   Duration of Study

The programme of study leading to the award of a Certificate of Higher Education (GAP) is available on a full-time basis. The minimum period of study is one academic session. The maximum duration of study normally permitted is one academic session.

3.   Composition of Programme of Study

A candidate for the award of the Certificate of Higher Education (GAP) is required to:

a)   complete 120 credits of taught courses, as specified in the relevant Programme Specification.

b)   follow the instructions issued on behalf of the relevant School and be aware of the content of the Programme Specification and the Programme Document (often referred to as the Programme or ‘Course’ Handbook) which will contain further details on the Programme including, in some cases, further requirements associated with the award.

4.   Minimum Requirement for the Award of Credits

Credits for courses contributing to a candidate’s curriculum shall be awarded subject to the fulfilment of required conditions. The minimum requirements for the award of credits are set out in the Code of Assessment at §16.40 – §16.44 of the ‘University Fees and General Information for Students’ section in the University Regulations.

5.   Assessment

Regulations for assessment are, insofar as not modified by these regulations, governed by the Code of Assessment which is contained in the ‘University Fees and General Information for Students’ section of the University Regulations.

6.   Award of Certificate in Higher Education

6.1   A candidate who has completed taught courses totalling 120 credits with a grade point average[1] of at least 7.0 shall be eligible to receive a Certificate of Higher Education (GAP).

6.2   The Certificate of Higher Education (GAP) shall be awarded with Merit where the grade point average is at least 12.0 and with Distinction where the grade point average is at least 15.0.

[1] The grade point average is determined with reference to the schedule of grades and grade points contained in Schedule A and Schedule B of the University’s Code of Assessment. The grade point average is calculated by taking the product of each course’s weight and the candidate’s grade points and dividing the sum of these products by the sum of the courses’ weights. The weights shall correspond to the courses’ credit ratings unless specified otherwise in the relevant programme documentation. The grade point average is expressed to one decimal place (§16.34(a) of the Code of Assessment). In determining whether a candidate has achieved a required grade point average, no further rounding is permitted. For example, a candidate achieving a grade point average of 8.9 would not satisfy a requirement for a grade point average of 9.0.

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